Module pyracmon.graph.serialize

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from import Iterator, Iterable
from inspect import signature, Signature, getmembers, isfunction
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Union, Callable, Protocol, TypeVar, cast
    from typing import ParamSpec, TypeAlias
    from typing_extensions import ParamSpec, TypeAlias
from .template import GraphTemplate
from .graph import Node, NodeContainer, GraphView
from .typing import Shrink, Extend, Typeable, issubgeneric, to_rawdict

T = TypeVar('T')
P = ParamSpec('P')

# type aliases.
Serializer: TypeAlias = Callable[['NodeContext'], Any]

class NodeSerializing(Protocol):
    def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def name(self, name: str) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def head(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def last(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def each(self, func: Serializer) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def sub(self, **settings) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def alter(
        generator: Optional[Serializer] = None,
        excludes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        includes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    ) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...

class NodeSerializer(NodeSerializing):
    This class provides ways to configure serialization result for a node container.

    Graph is serialized into `dict` from root node containers to their descendants.
    `NodeSerializer` should be set to each container (= template property) to control how to serialize nodes in it.

    At first, nodes to be serialized are selected by a node container using *aggregator*
    which is a function or sequence of functions extracting a node or nodes from a node container.
    `fold` and `select` are the general methods to set *aggregator* to `NodeSerializer` .

    >>> # NodeSerializer to select first node in the container.
    >>> S.fold(lambda ns: ns[0])
    >>> # NodeSerializer to select every other node.
    >>> S.fold(lambda ns: ns[0::2])

    Each selected node is serialized in the way determined by the type of corresponding template property.
    Serialization function (= *serializer* ) is obtained usually from `pyracmon.graph.spec.GraphSpec`
    where *serializer* are stored with being related with applicable types respectively.
    Additionally, *serializer*s can be set to `NodeSerializer` directly by `each` or some other methods.
    For each node, all valid *serializer*s are collected and merged into a function which finally is applied to its entity.

    >>> spec = GraphSpec()
    >>> # Register a serializer for int type which converts an int into a dict.
    >>> spec.add_serializer(int, lambda v: dict(v=v))
    >>> # Set serializer which multiplies values in dict.
    >>> ns = S.each(lambda cxt: {k:v*2 for k,v in cxt.serialize()})
    >>> # Do serialization
    >>> graph.append(a=1).append(a=2)
    >>> spec.to_dict(
    >>>     graph.view,
    >>>     a = ns,
    >>> )
    {"a": [{"v": 2}, {"v": 4}]}

    Only when a node is serialized into `dict` ,
    its child nodes are serialized succeedingly and the result is put into the `dict` with the same keys as their property names.
    The key can be changed by set *namer* to the `NodeSerializer` by `name` .

    Here, `merge` is a special configuration of `NodeSerializer` ,
    which can be used for the case that a child node is also serialized into `dict` and it is wanted to be merged into parent `dict` .
    It can take a callable which converts key in original child `dict` into another key used in parent `dict` .

    Whether the child should be put or merge into parent `dict` is determined whether *namer* is `str` (or `None`) or `Callable` .

    >>> graph.append(a=dict(a1=1, a2=2), b=dict(b1=3, b2=4))
    >>> GraphSpec().to_dict(
    >>>     graph.view,
    >>>     a = S.of(),
    >>>     b = S.merge(lambda n: f"__{n}__"),
    >>> )
    {"a": [{"a1":1, "a2":2, "__b1__":3, "__b2__":4}]}

        namer: A string or a function determining the key in parent `dict` .
        aggregator: A function to select node(s) from the node container.
        serializers: List of *serializer* s.
    def __init__(
        namer: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], str]]] = None,
        aggregator: Optional[Union[Callable[[list[Node]], Node], Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]]] = None,
        *serializers: Serializer,
        self._namer = namer
        self._aggregator = aggregator
        self._serializers = list(serializers)
        self._be_merged = False
        self._doc = ""
        self._doc_options = {}

    def namer(self) -> Callable[[str], str]:
        Returns *namer* in the form of function even when not to merge.
        def f(v: str) -> str:
            if self._namer is None:
                return v
            elif isinstance(self._namer, str):
                return self._namer
                return self._namer(v)
        return f

    def aggregator(self) -> Callable[[list[Node]], Union[list[Node], Node, Any]]:
        Returns *aggregator* supplied with correct return annotation.
        if self._aggregator is None:
            def agg1(values: list[T]) -> list[T]:
                return values
            return agg1
        elif signature(self._aggregator).return_annotation == Signature.empty:
            # TODO: No return annotation implies list to list aggregation.
            def agg2(values: list[T]) -> list[T]:
                return self._aggregator(values) # type: ignore
            return agg2
            return self._aggregator

    def serializer(self) -> Serializer:
        Returns merged *serializer* which has correctly annotated signature.
        return chain_serializers(self._serializers)

    def be_merged(self) -> bool:
        Returns whether the converted value will be merged into parent.
        return self._be_merged

    def be_singular(self) -> bool:
        Returns whether the converted value will be a singular object, not a list.

        This is estimated by annotation of aggregation function. If its returning type is not annotated, this property always returns `False` .
        Builder methods adds appropriate annotation to given function when it does not have the annotation.
        rt = signature(self.aggregator).return_annotation
        return not issubgeneric(rt, list)

    def _set_aggregator(self, aggregator, folds):
            rt = signature(aggregator).return_annotation
            rt = Signature.empty

        if rt == Signature.empty:
            def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (T if folds else list[T]):
                return aggregator(vs)
            self._aggregator = agg
        elif issubgeneric(rt, list) ^ (not folds):
            raise ValueError(f"Return annotation of function is not valid.")
            self._aggregator = aggregator

        return self

    # Documentation
    def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set the documentation for this node.

        `document` is used in graph schema as a parameter of `Annotated` .

            document: A documentation string.
            options: Documentation options.
            This instance.
        self._doc = document
        self._doc_options = options
        return self

    # Naming
    def name(self, name: str) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set a key in parent dictionary.

            name: A key string.
            This instance.
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise ValueError(f"The name of node must be a string but {type(name)} is given.")
        self._namer = name
        self._be_merged = False
        return self

    def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set a naming function for merging into parent.

        Because merging needs folding, this method overrides the aggregation function by invoking `head()` internally
        if this instance is not configured to fold nodes into a single node.

            namer: The naming function. If `None`, the property is used as it is.
            This instance.
        if namer and not callable(namer):
            raise ValueError(f"The method merging a node into its parent node must be callable or None.")
        self._namer = namer or (lambda x:x)
        self._be_merged = True
        if not self.be_singular:
        return self

    # Aggregation
    def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an *aggregator* which picks up the node at the index.

            index: An index of the element.
            alt: A value used when no node is found at the index.
            This instance.
        def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (Optional[T] if alt is None else T):
            return vs[index] if len(vs) > index else alt
        #return self.fold(lambda vs: vs[index] if len(vs) > index else alt)
        return self.fold(agg)

    def head(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an *aggregator* which picks up the first node.

            alt: A value used when there exists no nodes.
            This instance.
        return, alt)

    def last(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an *aggregator* which picks up the last node.

            alt: A value used when there exists no nodes.
            This instance.
        def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (Optional[T] if alt is None else T):
            return vs[-1] if len(vs) > 0 else alt
        #return self.fold(lambda vs: vs[-1] if len(vs) > 0 else alt)
        return self.fold(agg)

    def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an aggregation function converting a list of nodes into a single node or any value.

            aggregator: An aggregation function.
            This instance.
        return self._set_aggregator(aggregator, True)

    def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an aggregation function selecting a list of nodes from all nodes from the container.

            aggregator: An aggregation function.
            This instance.
        return self._set_aggregator(aggregator, False)

    # Serizlization
    def each(self, func: Serializer) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set a *serializer* .

        *serializer* is a function which will be invoked with a single argument of `NodeContext` ,
        from which internal code of *serializer* can get information of the node.

        For the sake of static typing, the *serializer* should have correct returns annotation.

            func: A function converting a node entity into a value.
            This instance.
        return self

    def sub(self, **settings) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set serialization settings for sub graph.

        This method is used for the property whose kind is `GraphTemplate` .
        The form of `settings` is same as keyword arguments used to serialize the graph.

            settings: Serialization settings used to serialize sub graph.
            This instance.
        from pyracmon.graph.schema import GraphSchema
        class SubGraph(Typeable[T]):
            serializers = settings.copy()

            def resolve(sub_graph, bound, arg, spec):
                return GraphSchema(spec, arg.template, **sub_graph.serializers).schema

        def to_dict(cxt: NodeContext) -> SubGraph[T]:
            vv = cxt.serialize()
            return SerializationContext(
                cxt.context.finder if cxt.context else lambda t: [],
            ).execute(vv.view) # type: ignore

        return self.head()

    def alter(
        generator: Optional[Serializer] = None,
        excludes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        includes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    ) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Extends and shrinks the dictionary obtained as a result of *serializer*s applied beforehand.

        `generator` is a kind of *serializer* returning `dict` which will be merged into serialization result.
        This can be used to add extra key value pairs into the result.
        For the sake of static typing, `generator` should have correct return annotation of `TypedDict` .

        `excludes` and `includes` are used to select keys from the result.

            generator: A function generating dictionary to be merged.
            excludes: Keys to exclude.
            includes: Keys to keep.
            This instance.
        excludes = excludes or []

        class EachExtend(Extend[T]):
            def schema(cls, bound, arg):
                return signature(generator).return_annotation if generator else Signature.empty

        class EachShrink(Shrink[T]):
            def select(cls, td, bound):
                return excludes, includes

        def convert(cxt) -> EachShrink[EachExtend[T]]:
            ext = generator(cxt) if generator else {}
            vv = cxt.serialize()
            vv.update(**to_rawdict(ext, True))
            return {k:v for k, v in vv.items() if (not includes or k in includes) and k not in excludes} # type: ignore

        return self

class NodeParams:
    def __init__(self, params) -> None:
        self._params: dict[str, Any] = params

    def __getattr__(self, key) -> Optional[Any]:
        Returns a value by key from values passed from invoking scope being bound for the node.
        return self._params.get(key, None)

class NodeContext:
    A class containing informations for serialization of a single node.

    The instance of this class is passed to the serialization function.
    Properties listed below are available to control serialization.

    - context: `SerializationContext` for the serialization of the graph.
    - node: `Node` to serialize.
    - value: Entity value of the `Node` .
    - params: Arbitrary values which is passed from invoking scope with being bound to the key of node name.

    Every serializer has to call `serialize()` to get the result of preceeding serializers,
    or make a result direcly from the node.
    def __init__(self, context: 'SerializationContext', params: NodeParams) -> None:
        #: `SerializationContext` for the serializaion of the graph.`
        self.context = context
        #: Arbitrary values passed by outside for the node.
        self.params = params
        # Set on demand.
        self._node: Optional[Node] = None
        self._iterator: Optional[Iterator[Any]] = None

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self._node = None
        self._iterator = None

    def node(self) -> Node:
        # Node must be set when passed to serialization function.
        return cast(Node, self._node)

    def value(self) -> Any:
        return cast(Node, self._node).entity

    def serialize(self) -> Any:
        Obtain a value serialized by preceeding serializers.
            return next(cast(Iterator[Any], self._iterator))(self)
        except StopIteration:
            return self.node.entity

class NodeContextFactory:
    This class generates a `NodeContext` for nodes bound to a template property.

        context: `SerializationContext` for the serialization of a graph.
        serializers: Globally registered serializers for the type of node entity.
        params: Parameters given at the serialization by caller.
    def __init__(
        context: 'SerializationContext',
        serializers: list[Serializer],
        params: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> None:
        self.serializers = serializers
        # Generate and keep an instance of NodeContext to save memory for big graph.
        self.node_context = NodeContext(context, NodeParams(params))

    def begin(self, node, serializers) -> NodeContext:
        self.node_context._node = node
        self.node_context._iterator = iter((self.serializers + serializers)[::-1])
        return self.node_context

class SerializationContext:
    This class implements actual serialization flow applied to a graph.

    `node_params` is a `dict` whose values will be passed to *serializer* via `params` attribute of `NodeContext` .
    The property name of the node is used to get values (also a `dict` ) from the `dict`
    and the `params` exposes them as its attributes of the same names as their keys.

    Arbitrary values can be passed in `node_params` which is a `dict` 

    Following code shows the example passing a parameter to a *serializer* .

    cxt = SerializationContext(
            a = S.each(lambda cxt: cxt.value*c.params.value),
        dict(a={"value": 10})

        settings: Mapping of node name to `NodeSerializer` .
        finder: A function to find base *serializer* s by a `type` .
        node_params: Arbitrary parameters passed to *serializer*s.
    def __init__(
        settings: dict[str, NodeSerializer],
        finder: Callable[[type], list[Serializer]],
        node_params: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Any]]] = None,
        self.settings: dict[str, NodeSerializer] = settings
        self.finder: Callable[[type], list[Serializer]] = finder
        self._node_params: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = node_params or {}
        self._context_factories: dict[str, NodeContextFactory] = {}

    def __getitem__(self, node: Union[Node, str]) -> Any:
        Returns an accessor to parameters for given node.

            node: Node or node name.
            An object exposing parameters for the node as attributes.
        name = if isinstance(node, Node) else node
        params = self._node_params.get(name, {})

        class Accessor:
            def __getattr__(self, key):
                return params.get(key, None)

        return Accessor()

    def execute(self, graph: GraphView) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Serializes a graph.

            graph: The view of graph to serialize.
            Serialization result.
        result = {}
        for c in graph().roots:
            self.serialize_to(, c, result)
        return result

    def serialize_to(self, name: str, container: Union[NodeContainer, Node.Children], parent: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Serialize nodes and appends them into the dictionary.

            name: Name of the template property associated with the nodes.
            container: Container of nodes. 
            parent: A parent dictionary to which serialized values will be appended.
        ns = self.settings.get(name, None)

        if not ns:
            # Nodes whose names are not supplied to settings are not serialized.

        # First, aggregate nodes into its subset or a single node.
        nodes: Union[list[Node], Node, Any] = ns.aggregator(container.nodes)

        if ns.be_singular:
            if isinstance(nodes, list):
                raise ValueError(f"Aggregation function is marked to create a single value but returns node list.")

            # Alternative value given to aggregation function may be returned instead of node.
            value = self._serialize_node(nodes, ns) if isinstance(nodes, Node) else nodes

            if ns.be_merged:
                if value is None:
                    # When empty, no key-value pair is added to parent.
                elif not isinstance(value, dict):
                    raise ValueError(f"Serialized value must be dict but {type(value)}.")

                parent.update({ns.namer(k):v for k, v in value.items()})
                parent[ns.namer(name)] = value
            if not isinstance(nodes, list):
                raise ValueError(f"Aggregation function is marked to return node list but returns a single value.")
            if ns.be_merged:
                raise ValueError(f"Merging to parent dict requires folding.")

            parent[ns.namer(name)] = [self._serialize_node(n, ns) for n in nodes]

    def _find_serializer(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property) -> list[Serializer]:
        return self.finder(prop.kind) if isinstance(prop.kind, type) else []

    def _serialize_node(self, node: Node, node_serializer: NodeSerializer):
        if not in self._context_factories:
            self._context_factories[] = NodeContextFactory(
                self._node_params.get(, {}),

        factory = self._context_factories[]

        with factory.begin(node, node_serializer._serializers) as cxt:
            value = cxt.serialize()

            # Child nodes are serialized only when the parent node is serialized into a dict.
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                for n, ch in node.children.items():
                    self.serialize_to(n, ch, value)

            return value

class SerializerMeta(NodeSerializing, type): # type: ignore
    def __prepare__(cls, __name: str, __bases: tuple[type, ...], **kwds: Any) -> Mapping[str, object]:
        def wrap(n, f):
            def g(*args, **kwargs):
                ns = NodeSerializer()
                nf = getattr(ns, n)
                return nf(*args, **kwargs)
            return g
        return {n: wrap(n, f) for n, f in getmembers(NodeSerializing, isfunction) if not n.startswith("__")}

class S(metaclass=SerializerMeta):
    An utility class to build `NodeSerializer` .

    This class provides factory class methods to create `NodeSerializer`
    each of which works in the same way as the method of the same name declared on `NodeSerializer` .

    Use them to supply `NodeSerializer`s to functions to serialize a graph or to create a graph schema
    such as `graph_dict` or `graph_schema` .

        a = S.of(),
        b = S.head(),
    def of(
        namer: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], str]]] = None,
        aggregator: Optional[Union[Callable[[list[Node]], Node], Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]]] = None,
        *serializers: Serializer,
    ) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Create an instance of `NodeSerializer`.

            namer: A string or naming function.
            aggregator: An aggregation function or an index of node to select in node container.
            serializer: A list of *serializer* s.
            Created `NodeSerializer` .
        return NodeSerializer(namer, aggregator, *serializers)

def chain_serializers(serializers: list[Serializer]) -> Serializer:
    Creates a serializer which chains given serializers.

        serializers: A list of serializers.
        Chained serializer.
    def merge(fs) -> type:
        rt = Signature.empty
        for f in fs[::-1]:
            t = signature(f).return_annotation
            if t != Signature.empty:
                    rt = t if rt == Signature.empty else rt[t] # type: ignore
                except TypeError:
                        return rt[t] # type: ignore
                    except TypeError:
                        return t
        return rt

    rt = merge(serializers)
    def composed(cxt) -> rt: # type: ignore
        cxt._iterator = iter(serializers[::-1] + list(cxt._iterator))
        return cxt.serialize()

    return composed


def chain_serializers(serializers: list[typing.Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], typing.Any]]) ‑> Callable[[NodeContext], Any]

Creates a serializer which chains given serializers.


A list of serializers.


Chained serializer.

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def chain_serializers(serializers: list[Serializer]) -> Serializer:
    Creates a serializer which chains given serializers.

        serializers: A list of serializers.
        Chained serializer.
    def merge(fs) -> type:
        rt = Signature.empty
        for f in fs[::-1]:
            t = signature(f).return_annotation
            if t != Signature.empty:
                    rt = t if rt == Signature.empty else rt[t] # type: ignore
                except TypeError:
                        return rt[t] # type: ignore
                    except TypeError:
                        return t
        return rt

    rt = merge(serializers)
    def composed(cxt) -> rt: # type: ignore
        cxt._iterator = iter(serializers[::-1] + list(cxt._iterator))
        return cxt.serialize()

    return composed


class NodeContext (context: SerializationContext, params: NodeParams)

A class containing informations for serialization of a single node.

The instance of this class is passed to the serialization function. Properties listed below are available to control serialization.

  • context: SerializationContext for the serialization of the graph.
  • node: Node to serialize.
  • value: Entity value of the Node .
  • params: Arbitrary values which is passed from invoking scope with being bound to the key of node name.

Every serializer has to call serialize() to get the result of preceeding serializers, or make a result direcly from the node.

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class NodeContext:
    A class containing informations for serialization of a single node.

    The instance of this class is passed to the serialization function.
    Properties listed below are available to control serialization.

    - context: `SerializationContext` for the serialization of the graph.
    - node: `Node` to serialize.
    - value: Entity value of the `Node` .
    - params: Arbitrary values which is passed from invoking scope with being bound to the key of node name.

    Every serializer has to call `serialize()` to get the result of preceeding serializers,
    or make a result direcly from the node.
    def __init__(self, context: 'SerializationContext', params: NodeParams) -> None:
        #: `SerializationContext` for the serializaion of the graph.`
        self.context = context
        #: Arbitrary values passed by outside for the node.
        self.params = params
        # Set on demand.
        self._node: Optional[Node] = None
        self._iterator: Optional[Iterator[Any]] = None

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        self._node = None
        self._iterator = None

    def node(self) -> Node:
        # Node must be set when passed to serialization function.
        return cast(Node, self._node)

    def value(self) -> Any:
        return cast(Node, self._node).entity

    def serialize(self) -> Any:
        Obtain a value serialized by preceeding serializers.
            return next(cast(Iterator[Any], self._iterator))(self)
        except StopIteration:
            return self.node.entity

Instance variables

var context

SerializationContext for the serializaion of the graph.`

var nodeNode
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def node(self) -> Node:
    # Node must be set when passed to serialization function.
    return cast(Node, self._node)
var params

Arbitrary values passed by outside for the node.

var value : Any
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def value(self) -> Any:
    return cast(Node, self._node).entity


def serialize(self) ‑> Any

Obtain a value serialized by preceeding serializers.

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def serialize(self) -> Any:
    Obtain a value serialized by preceeding serializers.
        return next(cast(Iterator[Any], self._iterator))(self)
    except StopIteration:
        return self.node.entity
class NodeContextFactory (context: SerializationContext, serializers: list[typing.Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], typing.Any]], params: dict[str, typing.Any])

This class generates a NodeContext for nodes bound to a template property.


SerializationContext for the serialization of a graph.
Globally registered serializers for the type of node entity.
Parameters given at the serialization by caller.
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class NodeContextFactory:
    This class generates a `NodeContext` for nodes bound to a template property.

        context: `SerializationContext` for the serialization of a graph.
        serializers: Globally registered serializers for the type of node entity.
        params: Parameters given at the serialization by caller.
    def __init__(
        context: 'SerializationContext',
        serializers: list[Serializer],
        params: dict[str, Any],
    ) -> None:
        self.serializers = serializers
        # Generate and keep an instance of NodeContext to save memory for big graph.
        self.node_context = NodeContext(context, NodeParams(params))

    def begin(self, node, serializers) -> NodeContext:
        self.node_context._node = node
        self.node_context._iterator = iter((self.serializers + serializers)[::-1])
        return self.node_context


def begin(self, node, serializers) ‑> NodeContext
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def begin(self, node, serializers) -> NodeContext:
    self.node_context._node = node
    self.node_context._iterator = iter((self.serializers + serializers)[::-1])
    return self.node_context
class NodeParams (params)
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class NodeParams:
    def __init__(self, params) -> None:
        self._params: dict[str, Any] = params

    def __getattr__(self, key) -> Optional[Any]:
        Returns a value by key from values passed from invoking scope being bound for the node.
        return self._params.get(key, None)
class NodeSerializer (namer: Union[str, Callable[[str], str], ForwardRef(None)] = None, aggregator: Union[Callable[[list[Node]], Node], Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, *serializers: Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], Any])

This class provides ways to configure serialization result for a node container.

Graph is serialized into dict from root node containers to their descendants. NodeSerializer should be set to each container (= template property) to control how to serialize nodes in it.

At first, nodes to be serialized are selected by a node container using aggregator which is a function or sequence of functions extracting a node or nodes from a node container. fold and select are the general methods to set aggregator to NodeSerializer .

>>> # NodeSerializer to select first node in the container.
>>> S.fold(lambda ns: ns[0])
>>> # NodeSerializer to select every other node.
>>> S.fold(lambda ns: ns[0::2])

Each selected node is serialized in the way determined by the type of corresponding template property. Serialization function (= serializer ) is obtained usually from GraphSpec where serializer are stored with being related with applicable types respectively. Additionally, serializers can be set to NodeSerializer directly by each or some other methods. For each node, all valid serializers are collected and merged into a function which finally is applied to its entity.

>>> spec = GraphSpec()
>>> # Register a serializer for int type which converts an int into a dict.
>>> spec.add_serializer(int, lambda v: dict(v=v))
>>> # Set serializer which multiplies values in dict.
>>> ns = S.each(lambda cxt: {k:v*2 for k,v in cxt.serialize()})
>>> # Do serialization
>>> graph.append(a=1).append(a=2)
>>> spec.to_dict(
>>>     graph.view,
>>>     a = ns,
>>> )
{"a": [{"v": 2}, {"v": 4}]}

Only when a node is serialized into dict , its child nodes are serialized succeedingly and the result is put into the dict with the same keys as their property names. The key can be changed by set namer to the NodeSerializer by name .

Here, merge is a special configuration of NodeSerializer , which can be used for the case that a child node is also serialized into dict and it is wanted to be merged into parent dict . It can take a callable which converts key in original child dict into another key used in parent dict .

Whether the child should be put or merge into parent dict is determined whether namer is str (or None) or Callable .

>>> graph.append(a=dict(a1=1, a2=2), b=dict(b1=3, b2=4))
>>> GraphSpec().to_dict(
>>>     graph.view,
>>>     a = S.of(),
>>>     b = S.merge(lambda n: f"__{n}__"),
>>> )
{"a": [{"a1":1, "a2":2, "__b1__":3, "__b2__":4}]}


A string or a function determining the key in parent dict .
A function to select node(s) from the node container.
List of serializer s.
Expand source code
class NodeSerializer(NodeSerializing):
    This class provides ways to configure serialization result for a node container.

    Graph is serialized into `dict` from root node containers to their descendants.
    `NodeSerializer` should be set to each container (= template property) to control how to serialize nodes in it.

    At first, nodes to be serialized are selected by a node container using *aggregator*
    which is a function or sequence of functions extracting a node or nodes from a node container.
    `fold` and `select` are the general methods to set *aggregator* to `NodeSerializer` .

    >>> # NodeSerializer to select first node in the container.
    >>> S.fold(lambda ns: ns[0])
    >>> # NodeSerializer to select every other node.
    >>> S.fold(lambda ns: ns[0::2])

    Each selected node is serialized in the way determined by the type of corresponding template property.
    Serialization function (= *serializer* ) is obtained usually from `pyracmon.graph.spec.GraphSpec`
    where *serializer* are stored with being related with applicable types respectively.
    Additionally, *serializer*s can be set to `NodeSerializer` directly by `each` or some other methods.
    For each node, all valid *serializer*s are collected and merged into a function which finally is applied to its entity.

    >>> spec = GraphSpec()
    >>> # Register a serializer for int type which converts an int into a dict.
    >>> spec.add_serializer(int, lambda v: dict(v=v))
    >>> # Set serializer which multiplies values in dict.
    >>> ns = S.each(lambda cxt: {k:v*2 for k,v in cxt.serialize()})
    >>> # Do serialization
    >>> graph.append(a=1).append(a=2)
    >>> spec.to_dict(
    >>>     graph.view,
    >>>     a = ns,
    >>> )
    {"a": [{"v": 2}, {"v": 4}]}

    Only when a node is serialized into `dict` ,
    its child nodes are serialized succeedingly and the result is put into the `dict` with the same keys as their property names.
    The key can be changed by set *namer* to the `NodeSerializer` by `name` .

    Here, `merge` is a special configuration of `NodeSerializer` ,
    which can be used for the case that a child node is also serialized into `dict` and it is wanted to be merged into parent `dict` .
    It can take a callable which converts key in original child `dict` into another key used in parent `dict` .

    Whether the child should be put or merge into parent `dict` is determined whether *namer* is `str` (or `None`) or `Callable` .

    >>> graph.append(a=dict(a1=1, a2=2), b=dict(b1=3, b2=4))
    >>> GraphSpec().to_dict(
    >>>     graph.view,
    >>>     a = S.of(),
    >>>     b = S.merge(lambda n: f"__{n}__"),
    >>> )
    {"a": [{"a1":1, "a2":2, "__b1__":3, "__b2__":4}]}

        namer: A string or a function determining the key in parent `dict` .
        aggregator: A function to select node(s) from the node container.
        serializers: List of *serializer* s.
    def __init__(
        namer: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], str]]] = None,
        aggregator: Optional[Union[Callable[[list[Node]], Node], Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]]] = None,
        *serializers: Serializer,
        self._namer = namer
        self._aggregator = aggregator
        self._serializers = list(serializers)
        self._be_merged = False
        self._doc = ""
        self._doc_options = {}

    def namer(self) -> Callable[[str], str]:
        Returns *namer* in the form of function even when not to merge.
        def f(v: str) -> str:
            if self._namer is None:
                return v
            elif isinstance(self._namer, str):
                return self._namer
                return self._namer(v)
        return f

    def aggregator(self) -> Callable[[list[Node]], Union[list[Node], Node, Any]]:
        Returns *aggregator* supplied with correct return annotation.
        if self._aggregator is None:
            def agg1(values: list[T]) -> list[T]:
                return values
            return agg1
        elif signature(self._aggregator).return_annotation == Signature.empty:
            # TODO: No return annotation implies list to list aggregation.
            def agg2(values: list[T]) -> list[T]:
                return self._aggregator(values) # type: ignore
            return agg2
            return self._aggregator

    def serializer(self) -> Serializer:
        Returns merged *serializer* which has correctly annotated signature.
        return chain_serializers(self._serializers)

    def be_merged(self) -> bool:
        Returns whether the converted value will be merged into parent.
        return self._be_merged

    def be_singular(self) -> bool:
        Returns whether the converted value will be a singular object, not a list.

        This is estimated by annotation of aggregation function. If its returning type is not annotated, this property always returns `False` .
        Builder methods adds appropriate annotation to given function when it does not have the annotation.
        rt = signature(self.aggregator).return_annotation
        return not issubgeneric(rt, list)

    def _set_aggregator(self, aggregator, folds):
            rt = signature(aggregator).return_annotation
            rt = Signature.empty

        if rt == Signature.empty:
            def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (T if folds else list[T]):
                return aggregator(vs)
            self._aggregator = agg
        elif issubgeneric(rt, list) ^ (not folds):
            raise ValueError(f"Return annotation of function is not valid.")
            self._aggregator = aggregator

        return self

    # Documentation
    def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set the documentation for this node.

        `document` is used in graph schema as a parameter of `Annotated` .

            document: A documentation string.
            options: Documentation options.
            This instance.
        self._doc = document
        self._doc_options = options
        return self

    # Naming
    def name(self, name: str) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set a key in parent dictionary.

            name: A key string.
            This instance.
        if not isinstance(name, str):
            raise ValueError(f"The name of node must be a string but {type(name)} is given.")
        self._namer = name
        self._be_merged = False
        return self

    def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set a naming function for merging into parent.

        Because merging needs folding, this method overrides the aggregation function by invoking `head()` internally
        if this instance is not configured to fold nodes into a single node.

            namer: The naming function. If `None`, the property is used as it is.
            This instance.
        if namer and not callable(namer):
            raise ValueError(f"The method merging a node into its parent node must be callable or None.")
        self._namer = namer or (lambda x:x)
        self._be_merged = True
        if not self.be_singular:
        return self

    # Aggregation
    def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an *aggregator* which picks up the node at the index.

            index: An index of the element.
            alt: A value used when no node is found at the index.
            This instance.
        def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (Optional[T] if alt is None else T):
            return vs[index] if len(vs) > index else alt
        #return self.fold(lambda vs: vs[index] if len(vs) > index else alt)
        return self.fold(agg)

    def head(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an *aggregator* which picks up the first node.

            alt: A value used when there exists no nodes.
            This instance.
        return, alt)

    def last(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an *aggregator* which picks up the last node.

            alt: A value used when there exists no nodes.
            This instance.
        def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (Optional[T] if alt is None else T):
            return vs[-1] if len(vs) > 0 else alt
        #return self.fold(lambda vs: vs[-1] if len(vs) > 0 else alt)
        return self.fold(agg)

    def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an aggregation function converting a list of nodes into a single node or any value.

            aggregator: An aggregation function.
            This instance.
        return self._set_aggregator(aggregator, True)

    def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set an aggregation function selecting a list of nodes from all nodes from the container.

            aggregator: An aggregation function.
            This instance.
        return self._set_aggregator(aggregator, False)

    # Serizlization
    def each(self, func: Serializer) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set a *serializer* .

        *serializer* is a function which will be invoked with a single argument of `NodeContext` ,
        from which internal code of *serializer* can get information of the node.

        For the sake of static typing, the *serializer* should have correct returns annotation.

            func: A function converting a node entity into a value.
            This instance.
        return self

    def sub(self, **settings) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Set serialization settings for sub graph.

        This method is used for the property whose kind is `GraphTemplate` .
        The form of `settings` is same as keyword arguments used to serialize the graph.

            settings: Serialization settings used to serialize sub graph.
            This instance.
        from pyracmon.graph.schema import GraphSchema
        class SubGraph(Typeable[T]):
            serializers = settings.copy()

            def resolve(sub_graph, bound, arg, spec):
                return GraphSchema(spec, arg.template, **sub_graph.serializers).schema

        def to_dict(cxt: NodeContext) -> SubGraph[T]:
            vv = cxt.serialize()
            return SerializationContext(
                cxt.context.finder if cxt.context else lambda t: [],
            ).execute(vv.view) # type: ignore

        return self.head()

    def alter(
        generator: Optional[Serializer] = None,
        excludes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        includes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    ) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Extends and shrinks the dictionary obtained as a result of *serializer*s applied beforehand.

        `generator` is a kind of *serializer* returning `dict` which will be merged into serialization result.
        This can be used to add extra key value pairs into the result.
        For the sake of static typing, `generator` should have correct return annotation of `TypedDict` .

        `excludes` and `includes` are used to select keys from the result.

            generator: A function generating dictionary to be merged.
            excludes: Keys to exclude.
            includes: Keys to keep.
            This instance.
        excludes = excludes or []

        class EachExtend(Extend[T]):
            def schema(cls, bound, arg):
                return signature(generator).return_annotation if generator else Signature.empty

        class EachShrink(Shrink[T]):
            def select(cls, td, bound):
                return excludes, includes

        def convert(cxt) -> EachShrink[EachExtend[T]]:
            ext = generator(cxt) if generator else {}
            vv = cxt.serialize()
            vv.update(**to_rawdict(ext, True))
            return {k:v for k, v in vv.items() if (not includes or k in includes) and k not in excludes} # type: ignore

        return self


Instance variables

var aggregator : Callable[[list[Node]], Union[list[Node], Node, Any]]

Returns aggregator supplied with correct return annotation.

Expand source code
def aggregator(self) -> Callable[[list[Node]], Union[list[Node], Node, Any]]:
    Returns *aggregator* supplied with correct return annotation.
    if self._aggregator is None:
        def agg1(values: list[T]) -> list[T]:
            return values
        return agg1
    elif signature(self._aggregator).return_annotation == Signature.empty:
        # TODO: No return annotation implies list to list aggregation.
        def agg2(values: list[T]) -> list[T]:
            return self._aggregator(values) # type: ignore
        return agg2
        return self._aggregator
var be_merged : bool

Returns whether the converted value will be merged into parent.

Expand source code
def be_merged(self) -> bool:
    Returns whether the converted value will be merged into parent.
    return self._be_merged
var be_singular : bool

Returns whether the converted value will be a singular object, not a list.

This is estimated by annotation of aggregation function. If its returning type is not annotated, this property always returns False . Builder methods adds appropriate annotation to given function when it does not have the annotation.

Expand source code
def be_singular(self) -> bool:
    Returns whether the converted value will be a singular object, not a list.

    This is estimated by annotation of aggregation function. If its returning type is not annotated, this property always returns `False` .
    Builder methods adds appropriate annotation to given function when it does not have the annotation.
    rt = signature(self.aggregator).return_annotation
    return not issubgeneric(rt, list)
var namer : Callable[[str], str]

Returns namer in the form of function even when not to merge.

Expand source code
def namer(self) -> Callable[[str], str]:
    Returns *namer* in the form of function even when not to merge.
    def f(v: str) -> str:
        if self._namer is None:
            return v
        elif isinstance(self._namer, str):
            return self._namer
            return self._namer(v)
    return f
var serializer : Callable[[NodeContext], Any]

Returns merged serializer which has correctly annotated signature.

Expand source code
def serializer(self) -> Serializer:
    Returns merged *serializer* which has correctly annotated signature.
    return chain_serializers(self._serializers)


def alter(self, generator: Optional[Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], Any]] = None, excludes: Optional[[str]] = None, includes: Optional[[str]] = None) ‑> NodeSerializer

Extends and shrinks the dictionary obtained as a result of serializers applied beforehand.

generator is a kind of serializer returning dict which will be merged into serialization result. This can be used to add extra key value pairs into the result. For the sake of static typing, generator should have correct return annotation of TypedDict .

excludes and includes are used to select keys from the result.


A function generating dictionary to be merged.
Keys to exclude.
Keys to keep.


This instance.

Expand source code
def alter(
    generator: Optional[Serializer] = None,
    excludes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    includes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Extends and shrinks the dictionary obtained as a result of *serializer*s applied beforehand.

    `generator` is a kind of *serializer* returning `dict` which will be merged into serialization result.
    This can be used to add extra key value pairs into the result.
    For the sake of static typing, `generator` should have correct return annotation of `TypedDict` .

    `excludes` and `includes` are used to select keys from the result.

        generator: A function generating dictionary to be merged.
        excludes: Keys to exclude.
        includes: Keys to keep.
        This instance.
    excludes = excludes or []

    class EachExtend(Extend[T]):
        def schema(cls, bound, arg):
            return signature(generator).return_annotation if generator else Signature.empty

    class EachShrink(Shrink[T]):
        def select(cls, td, bound):
            return excludes, includes

    def convert(cxt) -> EachShrink[EachExtend[T]]:
        ext = generator(cxt) if generator else {}
        vv = cxt.serialize()
        vv.update(**to_rawdict(ext, True))
        return {k:v for k, v in vv.items() if (not includes or k in includes) and k not in excludes} # type: ignore

    return self
def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set an aggregator which picks up the node at the index.


An index of the element.
A value used when no node is found at the index.


This instance.

Expand source code
def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set an *aggregator* which picks up the node at the index.

        index: An index of the element.
        alt: A value used when no node is found at the index.
        This instance.
    def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (Optional[T] if alt is None else T):
        return vs[index] if len(vs) > index else alt
    #return self.fold(lambda vs: vs[index] if len(vs) > index else alt)
    return self.fold(agg)
def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set the documentation for this node.

document is used in graph schema as a parameter of Annotated .


A documentation string.
Documentation options.


This instance.

Expand source code
def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set the documentation for this node.

    `document` is used in graph schema as a parameter of `Annotated` .

        document: A documentation string.
        options: Documentation options.
        This instance.
    self._doc = document
    self._doc_options = options
    return self
def each(self, func: Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], Any]) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set a serializer .

serializer is a function which will be invoked with a single argument of NodeContext , from which internal code of serializer can get information of the node.

For the sake of static typing, the serializer should have correct returns annotation.


A function converting a node entity into a value.


This instance.

Expand source code
def each(self, func: Serializer) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set a *serializer* .

    *serializer* is a function which will be invoked with a single argument of `NodeContext` ,
    from which internal code of *serializer* can get information of the node.

    For the sake of static typing, the *serializer* should have correct returns annotation.

        func: A function converting a node entity into a value.
        This instance.
    return self
def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set an aggregation function converting a list of nodes into a single node or any value.


An aggregation function.


This instance.

Expand source code
def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set an aggregation function converting a list of nodes into a single node or any value.

        aggregator: An aggregation function.
        This instance.
    return self._set_aggregator(aggregator, True)
def head(self, alt: Any = None) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set an aggregator which picks up the first node.


A value used when there exists no nodes.


This instance.

Expand source code
def head(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set an *aggregator* which picks up the first node.

        alt: A value used when there exists no nodes.
        This instance.
    return, alt)
def last(self, alt: Any = None) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set an aggregator which picks up the last node.


A value used when there exists no nodes.


This instance.

Expand source code
def last(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set an *aggregator* which picks up the last node.

        alt: A value used when there exists no nodes.
        This instance.
    def agg(vs: list[T]) -> (Optional[T] if alt is None else T):
        return vs[-1] if len(vs) > 0 else alt
    #return self.fold(lambda vs: vs[-1] if len(vs) > 0 else alt)
    return self.fold(agg)
def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set a naming function for merging into parent.

Because merging needs folding, this method overrides the aggregation function by invoking head() internally if this instance is not configured to fold nodes into a single node.


The naming function. If None, the property is used as it is.


This instance.

Expand source code
def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set a naming function for merging into parent.

    Because merging needs folding, this method overrides the aggregation function by invoking `head()` internally
    if this instance is not configured to fold nodes into a single node.

        namer: The naming function. If `None`, the property is used as it is.
        This instance.
    if namer and not callable(namer):
        raise ValueError(f"The method merging a node into its parent node must be callable or None.")
    self._namer = namer or (lambda x:x)
    self._be_merged = True
    if not self.be_singular:
    return self
def name(self, name: str) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set a key in parent dictionary.


A key string.


This instance.

Expand source code
def name(self, name: str) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set a key in parent dictionary.

        name: A key string.
        This instance.
    if not isinstance(name, str):
        raise ValueError(f"The name of node must be a string but {type(name)} is given.")
    self._namer = name
    self._be_merged = False
    return self
def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set an aggregation function selecting a list of nodes from all nodes from the container.


An aggregation function.


This instance.

Expand source code
def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set an aggregation function selecting a list of nodes from all nodes from the container.

        aggregator: An aggregation function.
        This instance.
    return self._set_aggregator(aggregator, False)
def sub(self, **settings) ‑> NodeSerializer

Set serialization settings for sub graph.

This method is used for the property whose kind is GraphTemplate . The form of settings is same as keyword arguments used to serialize the graph.


Serialization settings used to serialize sub graph.


This instance.

Expand source code
def sub(self, **settings) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Set serialization settings for sub graph.

    This method is used for the property whose kind is `GraphTemplate` .
    The form of `settings` is same as keyword arguments used to serialize the graph.

        settings: Serialization settings used to serialize sub graph.
        This instance.
    from pyracmon.graph.schema import GraphSchema
    class SubGraph(Typeable[T]):
        serializers = settings.copy()

        def resolve(sub_graph, bound, arg, spec):
            return GraphSchema(spec, arg.template, **sub_graph.serializers).schema

    def to_dict(cxt: NodeContext) -> SubGraph[T]:
        vv = cxt.serialize()
        return SerializationContext(
            cxt.context.finder if cxt.context else lambda t: [],
        ).execute(vv.view) # type: ignore

    return self.head()
class NodeSerializing (*args, **kwargs)

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
Expand source code
class NodeSerializing(Protocol):
    def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def name(self, name: str) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def head(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def last(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def each(self, func: Serializer) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def sub(self, **settings) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
    def alter(
        generator: Optional[Serializer] = None,
        excludes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
        includes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    ) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...


  • typing.Protocol
  • typing.Generic



def alter(self, generator: Optional[Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], Any]] = None, excludes: Optional[[str]] = None, includes: Optional[[str]] = None) ‑> NodeSerializer
Expand source code
def alter(
    generator: Optional[Serializer] = None,
    excludes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
    includes: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) ‑> NodeSerializer
Expand source code
def at(self, index: int, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) ‑> NodeSerializer
Expand source code
def doc(self, document: str, **options: Any) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def each(self, func: Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], Any]) ‑> NodeSerializer
Expand source code
def each(self, func: Serializer) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) ‑> NodeSerializer
Expand source code
def fold(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], Any]) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def head(self, alt: Any = None) ‑> NodeSerializer
Expand source code
def head(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def last(self, alt: Any = None) ‑> NodeSerializer
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def last(self, alt: Any = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) ‑> NodeSerializer
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def merge(self, namer: Optional[Callable[[str], str]] = None) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def name(self, name: str) ‑> NodeSerializer
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def name(self, name: str) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) ‑> NodeSerializer
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def select(self, aggregator: Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
def sub(self, **settings) ‑> NodeSerializer
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def sub(self, **settings) -> 'NodeSerializer': ...
class S

An utility class to build NodeSerializer .

This class provides factory class methods to create NodeSerializer each of which works in the same way as the method of the same name declared on NodeSerializer .

Use them to supply NodeSerializers to functions to serialize a graph or to create a graph schema such as graph_dict or graph_schema .

    a = S.of(),
    b = S.head(),
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class S(metaclass=SerializerMeta):
    An utility class to build `NodeSerializer` .

    This class provides factory class methods to create `NodeSerializer`
    each of which works in the same way as the method of the same name declared on `NodeSerializer` .

    Use them to supply `NodeSerializer`s to functions to serialize a graph or to create a graph schema
    such as `graph_dict` or `graph_schema` .

        a = S.of(),
        b = S.head(),
    def of(
        namer: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], str]]] = None,
        aggregator: Optional[Union[Callable[[list[Node]], Node], Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]]] = None,
        *serializers: Serializer,
    ) -> 'NodeSerializer':
        Create an instance of `NodeSerializer`.

            namer: A string or naming function.
            aggregator: An aggregation function or an index of node to select in node container.
            serializer: A list of *serializer* s.
            Created `NodeSerializer` .
        return NodeSerializer(namer, aggregator, *serializers)

Static methods

def of(namer: Union[str, Callable[[str], str], ForwardRef(None)] = None, aggregator: Union[Callable[[list[Node]], Node], Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]], ForwardRef(None)] = None, *serializers: Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], Any]) ‑> NodeSerializer

Create an instance of NodeSerializer.


A string or naming function.
An aggregation function or an index of node to select in node container.
A list of serializer s.


Created NodeSerializer .

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def of(
    namer: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[str], str]]] = None,
    aggregator: Optional[Union[Callable[[list[Node]], Node], Callable[[list[Node]], list[Node]]]] = None,
    *serializers: Serializer,
) -> 'NodeSerializer':
    Create an instance of `NodeSerializer`.

        namer: A string or naming function.
        aggregator: An aggregation function or an index of node to select in node container.
        serializer: A list of *serializer* s.
        Created `NodeSerializer` .
    return NodeSerializer(namer, aggregator, *serializers)


def alter(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def at(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def doc(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def each(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def fold(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def head(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def last(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def merge(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def name(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def select(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
def sub(*args, **kwargs)
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def g(*args, **kwargs):
    ns = NodeSerializer()
    nf = getattr(ns, n)
    return nf(*args, **kwargs)
class SerializationContext (settings: dict[str, NodeSerializer], finder: Callable[[type], list[Callable[[ForwardRef('NodeContext')], Any]]], node_params: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, typing.Any]]] = None)

This class implements actual serialization flow applied to a graph.

node_params is a dict whose values will be passed to serializer via params attribute of NodeContext . The property name of the node is used to get values (also a dict ) from the dict and the params exposes them as its attributes of the same names as their keys.

Arbitrary values can be passed in node_params which is a dict

Following code shows the example passing a parameter to a serializer .

cxt = SerializationContext(
        a = S.each(lambda cxt: cxt.value*c.params.value),
    dict(a={"value": 10})


Mapping of node name to NodeSerializer .
A function to find base serializer s by a type .
Arbitrary parameters passed to serializers.
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class SerializationContext:
    This class implements actual serialization flow applied to a graph.

    `node_params` is a `dict` whose values will be passed to *serializer* via `params` attribute of `NodeContext` .
    The property name of the node is used to get values (also a `dict` ) from the `dict`
    and the `params` exposes them as its attributes of the same names as their keys.

    Arbitrary values can be passed in `node_params` which is a `dict` 

    Following code shows the example passing a parameter to a *serializer* .

    cxt = SerializationContext(
            a = S.each(lambda cxt: cxt.value*c.params.value),
        dict(a={"value": 10})

        settings: Mapping of node name to `NodeSerializer` .
        finder: A function to find base *serializer* s by a `type` .
        node_params: Arbitrary parameters passed to *serializer*s.
    def __init__(
        settings: dict[str, NodeSerializer],
        finder: Callable[[type], list[Serializer]],
        node_params: Optional[dict[str, dict[str, Any]]] = None,
        self.settings: dict[str, NodeSerializer] = settings
        self.finder: Callable[[type], list[Serializer]] = finder
        self._node_params: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = node_params or {}
        self._context_factories: dict[str, NodeContextFactory] = {}

    def __getitem__(self, node: Union[Node, str]) -> Any:
        Returns an accessor to parameters for given node.

            node: Node or node name.
            An object exposing parameters for the node as attributes.
        name = if isinstance(node, Node) else node
        params = self._node_params.get(name, {})

        class Accessor:
            def __getattr__(self, key):
                return params.get(key, None)

        return Accessor()

    def execute(self, graph: GraphView) -> dict[str, Any]:
        Serializes a graph.

            graph: The view of graph to serialize.
            Serialization result.
        result = {}
        for c in graph().roots:
            self.serialize_to(, c, result)
        return result

    def serialize_to(self, name: str, container: Union[NodeContainer, Node.Children], parent: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        Serialize nodes and appends them into the dictionary.

            name: Name of the template property associated with the nodes.
            container: Container of nodes. 
            parent: A parent dictionary to which serialized values will be appended.
        ns = self.settings.get(name, None)

        if not ns:
            # Nodes whose names are not supplied to settings are not serialized.

        # First, aggregate nodes into its subset or a single node.
        nodes: Union[list[Node], Node, Any] = ns.aggregator(container.nodes)

        if ns.be_singular:
            if isinstance(nodes, list):
                raise ValueError(f"Aggregation function is marked to create a single value but returns node list.")

            # Alternative value given to aggregation function may be returned instead of node.
            value = self._serialize_node(nodes, ns) if isinstance(nodes, Node) else nodes

            if ns.be_merged:
                if value is None:
                    # When empty, no key-value pair is added to parent.
                elif not isinstance(value, dict):
                    raise ValueError(f"Serialized value must be dict but {type(value)}.")

                parent.update({ns.namer(k):v for k, v in value.items()})
                parent[ns.namer(name)] = value
            if not isinstance(nodes, list):
                raise ValueError(f"Aggregation function is marked to return node list but returns a single value.")
            if ns.be_merged:
                raise ValueError(f"Merging to parent dict requires folding.")

            parent[ns.namer(name)] = [self._serialize_node(n, ns) for n in nodes]

    def _find_serializer(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property) -> list[Serializer]:
        return self.finder(prop.kind) if isinstance(prop.kind, type) else []

    def _serialize_node(self, node: Node, node_serializer: NodeSerializer):
        if not in self._context_factories:
            self._context_factories[] = NodeContextFactory(
                self._node_params.get(, {}),

        factory = self._context_factories[]

        with factory.begin(node, node_serializer._serializers) as cxt:
            value = cxt.serialize()

            # Child nodes are serialized only when the parent node is serialized into a dict.
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                for n, ch in node.children.items():
                    self.serialize_to(n, ch, value)

            return value


def execute(self, graph: GraphView) ‑> dict[str, typing.Any]

Serializes a graph.


The view of graph to serialize.


Serialization result.

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def execute(self, graph: GraphView) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Serializes a graph.

        graph: The view of graph to serialize.
        Serialization result.
    result = {}
    for c in graph().roots:
        self.serialize_to(, c, result)
    return result
def serialize_to(self, name: str, container: Union[NodeContainerNode.Children], parent: dict[str, typing.Any]) ‑> None

Serialize nodes and appends them into the dictionary.


Name of the template property associated with the nodes.
Container of nodes.
A parent dictionary to which serialized values will be appended.
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def serialize_to(self, name: str, container: Union[NodeContainer, Node.Children], parent: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
    Serialize nodes and appends them into the dictionary.

        name: Name of the template property associated with the nodes.
        container: Container of nodes. 
        parent: A parent dictionary to which serialized values will be appended.
    ns = self.settings.get(name, None)

    if not ns:
        # Nodes whose names are not supplied to settings are not serialized.

    # First, aggregate nodes into its subset or a single node.
    nodes: Union[list[Node], Node, Any] = ns.aggregator(container.nodes)

    if ns.be_singular:
        if isinstance(nodes, list):
            raise ValueError(f"Aggregation function is marked to create a single value but returns node list.")

        # Alternative value given to aggregation function may be returned instead of node.
        value = self._serialize_node(nodes, ns) if isinstance(nodes, Node) else nodes

        if ns.be_merged:
            if value is None:
                # When empty, no key-value pair is added to parent.
            elif not isinstance(value, dict):
                raise ValueError(f"Serialized value must be dict but {type(value)}.")

            parent.update({ns.namer(k):v for k, v in value.items()})
            parent[ns.namer(name)] = value
        if not isinstance(nodes, list):
            raise ValueError(f"Aggregation function is marked to return node list but returns a single value.")
        if ns.be_merged:
            raise ValueError(f"Merging to parent dict requires folding.")

        parent[ns.namer(name)] = [self._serialize_node(n, ns) for n in nodes]
class SerializerMeta (*args, **kwargs)

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
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class SerializerMeta(NodeSerializing, type): # type: ignore
    def __prepare__(cls, __name: str, __bases: tuple[type, ...], **kwds: Any) -> Mapping[str, object]:
        def wrap(n, f):
            def g(*args, **kwargs):
                ns = NodeSerializer()
                nf = getattr(ns, n)
                return nf(*args, **kwargs)
            return g
        return {n: wrap(n, f) for n, f in getmembers(NodeSerializing, isfunction) if not n.startswith("__")}
