Module pyracmon.graph.graph

This module exports types representing graphs.

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This module exports types representing graphs.
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Protocol, Union, Optional, Any, overload, cast
from typing_extensions import Self
from import MutableMapping, Iterable, Iterator
from typing import Any
from .identify import IdentifyPolicy, neverPolicy
from .template import GraphTemplate
from .protocol import *

T = TypeVar('T', covariant=True)

class GraphView(Protocol):
    The interface of the view of graph.
    def __call__(self) -> 'Graph': ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, 'ContainerView[NodeContainer]']]:
        Iterates root container views.

            Iterator of pairs of name and container view.
    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> 'ContainerView':
        Returns a container view by its name.

            name: Container name. i.e. template property name for the node container.
            Container view.

class Graph:
    This class represents a graph composed of tree-structured node containers.

    The structure is determined by `GraphTemplate`. Use `new_graph` Instead of constructor to create new graph instance.

    template = GraphSpac().new_template(
        a = (int, lambda x:x),
        b = (str, lambda x:x),
        c = (str, lambda x:x),
    template.a << template.b << template.c
    graph = new_graph(template)

    In above code, a graph which has 3 properties ( `a` `b` `c` ) and a structure where `a` is parent of `b` and `b` is parent of `c` is created.

    `append` ( `replace` ) is a method to store entities in the graph with tying them each other according to the structure.
    Entites are encapsulated by `Node` which can have an edge to parent node.

    graph.append(a=1, b="a", c="x").append(a=2, b="b", c="y")

    In `append`, entities are first sorted in descending order, and then:

    - Search a node whose entity is *identical* to the first entity from the corresponding node container.
        - If found, new node is not created and the *identical* node is set to next parent.
        - Otherwise, new node is appended and it is set to next parent.
    - Apply this to following entities in order. A difference is that *identical* node is searched from the sequence of parents in the session.

    In example here, the identification is done by entity value itself ( `lambda x:x` ). Next code is the example where *identical* nodes are found.

    graph.append(a=1, b="a", c="z").append(a=2, b="c", c="y")

    In the first `append`, `a` and `b` has its *identical* node and `a` is *identical* in the second.
    `c` in the second one is not *identical* to any node because parent node `b="c"` is already added as new node.

    Due to the identification mechanism, entity relationships in the graph is guaranteed after repeating `append` .
    def __init__(self, template: GraphTemplate):
        #: Graph template.
        self.template: GraphTemplate = template
        #: A `dict` containing node containers by their names.
        self.containers: dict[str, NodeContainer] = { for p in template}
        self._view = None

    def _to_container(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property) -> 'NodeContainer':
        if isinstance(prop.kind, GraphTemplate):
            return _GraphNodeContainer(prop)
            return NodeContainer(prop)

    def _container_of(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property) -> Optional['NodeContainer']:
        candidates = [c for c in self.containers.values() if c.prop.is_compatible(prop)]
        if len(candidates) > 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Container can't be determined from property '{}'.")
        return candidates[0] if candidates else None

    def __add__(self, another: Union[Self, GraphView]) -> 'Graph':
        Create new graph by adding this graph and another graph.

        New graph has the same template as this graph's.
        On the other hand, because this method depends on `__iadd__()`, another graph must not have the same template.

            another: Graph or its view.
            Created graph.
        graph = Graph(self.template)

        graph += self
        graph += another

        return graph

    def __iadd__(self, another: Union[Self, GraphView]) -> Self:
        Append nodes from another graph.

        Nodes of another graph are traversed from its root and appended to compatible containers each other.

            another: Graph or its view.
            This graph.
        graph = another if isinstance(another, Graph) else another()

        def add(n: Node, anc: dict[str, list[Node]]):
            c = self._container_of(n.prop)
            if c:
                c.append(n.entity, anc)
            for ch_ in n.children.values():
                for m in ch_.nodes:
                    add(m, anc.copy())

        for c_ in graph.roots:
            for n_ in c_.nodes:
                add(n_, {})

        return self

    def roots(self) -> Iterable['NodeContainer']:
        Returns root node containers.
        return filter(lambda c: c.prop.parent is None, self.containers.values())

    def view(self) -> GraphView:
        Returns an unmodifiable view of this graph.

        The view object works as the accessor to graph nodes.

        >>> template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
        >>> template.a << template.b
        >>> graph = new_graph(template)
        >>> view = graph.view
        >>> assert view() is graph                        # invocation
        >>> assert view.a is graph.containers["a"].view   # attribute
        >>> assert [c().name for c in view] == ["a", "c"] # iteration
        if self._view is None:
            graph = self
            class _GraphView:
                def __call__(self) -> Graph:
                    """Returns the greph of this view."""
                    return graph
                def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView[NodeContainer]]]:
                    """Iterates views of root containers."""
                    return map(lambda c: (, c.view), filter(lambda c: c.prop.parent is None, graph.containers.values()))
                def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> ContainerView:
                    """Returns a view of a container of the name."""
                    return graph.containers[name].view
            self._view = _GraphView()
        return self._view

    def _append(self, to_replace: bool, entities: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
        props = [p for p in self.template if in entities]

        filtered = set()
        for p in props:
            if (p.parent is None) or ( not in entities) or ( in filtered):
                if p.entity_filter is None or p.entity_filter(entities[]):

        ancestors = {}
        for k in [ for p in props if in filtered]:
            self.containers[k].append(entities[k], ancestors, to_replace)

        return self

    def append(self, **entities: Any) -> Self:
        Append entities with associated property names.

            entities: Entities keyed with associated property names.
            This graph.
        return self._append(False, entities)

    def replace(self, **entities: Any) -> Self:
        Works similarly to `append`, but entities of identical nodes are replaced with given entities.

            entities: Entities keyed with associated property names.
            This graph.
        return self._append(True, entities)

def new_graph(template: GraphTemplate, *bases: Union[Graph, GraphView]) -> Graph:
    Create a graph from a template.

    Use this function instead of invoking constructor directly.

        template: A template of a graph.
        bases: Other graphs whose nodes are appended to created graph.
        Created graph.
    graph = Graph(template)

    for b in bases:
        graph += b

    return graph

class ContainerView(Protocol, Generic[T]):
    The interface of the view of a node set, i.e. `NodeContainer` and `Node.Children` .
    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether this container is not empty."""
    def __call__(self) -> T:
        """Returns a base container."""
    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Returns the number of nodes."""
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator['NodeView']:
        """Iterates views of nodes."""
    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'NodeView': ...
    def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Iterable['NodeView']: ...
    def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union['NodeView', Iterable['NodeView']]:
        """Returns a view of a node at the index."""
    def __getattr__(self, key) -> 'ContainerView':
        """Returns a view of the first node or empty container view if it does not exist."""

class _EmptyContainerView(ContainerView[None]):
    def __init__(self, prop):
        self.prop = prop

    def __bool__(self):
        return False

    def __call__(self) -> None:
        return None

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter([])

    def __len__(self):
        return 0

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            return []
            raise IndexError(f"Index for container '{}' is out of range.")

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        child = next(filter(lambda c: == key, self.prop.children), None)
        if child:
            return _EmptyContainerView(child)
            raise KeyError(f"Graph property '{}' does not have a child property '{key}'.")

class NodeContainer:
    This class represents a container of nodes for a template property.
    def __init__(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property):
        #: Template property.
        self.prop = prop
        self.nodes: list[Node] = []
        self.keys: dict[Any, list[int]] = {}
        self._view = None

    def name(self) -> str:
        Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.

    def view(self) -> ContainerView['NodeContainer']:
        Returns an unmodifiable view of this container.

        The view object works as the accessor to container components.

        template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
        template.a << template.b
        graph = new_graph(template).append(a=1, b="a").append(a=1, b="b").append(a=2, b="c")
        container = graph.containers["a"]
        view = graph.view.a
        assert view() is container                             # invocation
        assert view.b is container.nodes[0].children["b"].view # attribute
        assert view[1] is container.nodes[1].view              # index
        assert [n() for n in view] == [1, 2]                   # iteration
        assert len(view) == 2                                  # length
        if self._view is None:
            container = self
            class _ContainerView:
                def __bool__(self):
                    """Returns whether this container is not empty."""
                    return len(container.nodes) != 0
                def __call__(self) -> NodeContainer:
                    """Returns a base container."""
                    return container
                def __len__(self):
                    """Returns the number of nodes."""
                    return len(container.nodes)
                def __iter__(self):
                    """Iterates views of nodes."""
                    return map(lambda n: n.view, container.nodes)
                def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'NodeView': ...
                def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Iterable['NodeView']: ...
                def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union['NodeView', Iterable['NodeView']]:
                    """Returns a view of a node at the index."""
                    if isinstance(index, slice):
                        return [n.view for n in container.nodes[index]]
                        return container.nodes[index].view
                def __getattr__(self, key) -> ContainerView:
                    """Returns a view of the first node or empty container view if it does not exist."""
                    child = next(filter(lambda c: == key, container.prop.children), None)
                    if child:
                        return container.nodes[0].children[key].view if len(container.nodes) > 0 else _EmptyContainerView(child)
                        raise KeyError(f"Graph property '{}' does not have a child property '{key}'.")
            self._view = _ContainerView()
        return self._view

    def append(self, entity: Any, ancestors: MutableMapping[str, list['Node']], to_replace: bool = False):
        Add an entity to this container.

        Identical node is searched by examining whether this container already contains a node of the identical entity
        and its parent is found in `anscestors` .

            entity: An entity to be stored in the node.
            ancestors: Parent nodes mapped by property names.
            to_replace: If `True`, the entity of identical node is replaced. Otherwise, it is not changed.
        policy: IdentifyPolicy = self.prop.policy or neverPolicy()

        key = policy.get_identifier(entity)

        parents, identicals = policy.identify(self.prop, [self.nodes[i] for i in self.keys.get(key, [])], ancestors)

        new_nodes = identicals.copy()

        for pn in parents:
            index = len(self.nodes)

            node = Node(self.prop, entity, key, index)
            if key is not None:
                self.keys.setdefault(key, []).append(index)

            if pn is not None:

        if to_replace:
            for n in identicals:
                n.entity = entity

        ancestors[] = new_nodes

class _GraphNodeContainer(NodeContainer):
    NodeContainer which contains graph instances.
    def append(self, entity: Any, ancestors: MutableMapping[str, Iterable['Node']], to_replace: bool = False):
        if not isinstance(entity, (dict, Graph)):
            raise ValueError(f"Node of graph only accepts dict or Graph object.")

        policy = self.prop.policy or neverPolicy()

        parents, _ = policy.identify(self.prop, cast(list[Node], []), ancestors)

        for pn in parents:
            index = len(self.nodes)

            graphs = []

            if pn is None or len(pn.children[].nodes) == 0:
                g = Graph(cast(GraphTemplate, self.prop.kind))
                node = _GraphNode(self.prop, g, None, index)

                if pn is not None:

                graphs.extend([n.entity for n in pn.children[].nodes])

            for g in graphs:
                if isinstance(entity, dict):
                    g += entity

class NodeView:
    def __call__(self, alt: Any = None) -> Any:
        """Returns an entity of this node."""
    def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> ContainerView:
        """Returns a view of child nodes by its name."""
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView]]:
        """Iterate key-value pairs of child nodes."""

class Node:
    This class represents a node which contains an entity.
    class Children:
        This class represents a child nodes of a node.
        def __init__(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property):
            #: Template property.
            self.prop = prop
            self.nodes: list[Node] = []
            self.keys = set()
            self._view = None

        def name(self) -> str:
            Returns the name of corresponding template property.

        def view(self) -> ContainerView['Node.Children']:
            Returns an unmodifiable view of child nodes.
            if self._view is None:
                base = self
                class _ChildrenView:
                    def __bool__(self):
                        """Returns whether this container is not empty."""
                        return len(base.nodes) != 0
                    def __call__(self):
                        """Returns children container."""
                        return base
                    def __iter__(self):
                        """Iterates views of child nodes."""
                        return map(lambda n: n.view, base.nodes)
                    def __len__(self):
                        """Returns the number of child nodes."""
                        return len(base.nodes)
                    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'NodeView': ...
                    def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Iterable['NodeView']: ...
                    def __getitem__(self, index):
                        """Returns a view of child node at the index."""
                        if isinstance(index, slice):
                            return [n.view for n in base.nodes[index]]
                            return base.nodes[index].view
                    def __getattr__(self, key):
                        """Returns a view of the first node or empty container view if it does not exist."""
                        child = next(filter(lambda c: == key, base.prop.children), None)
                        if child:
                            return base.nodes[0].children[key].view if len(base.nodes) > 0 else _EmptyContainerView(child)
                            raise KeyError(f"Graph property '{}' does not have a child property '{key}'.")
                self._view = _ChildrenView()
            return self._view

        def __contains__(self, node: 'Node') -> bool:
            return node in self.keys

        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator['Node']:
            return iter(self.nodes)

        def append(self, node):
            if node not in self.keys:

    def __init__(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property, entity: Any, key: Optional[Any], index: int):
        #: Template property.
        self.prop = prop
        #: An entity value.
        self.entity = entity
        self.key = key
        self.parents = set()
        self.children: dict[str, Node.Children] = { Node.Children(c) for c in prop.children}
        self._index = index
        self._view = None

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in self.children

    def name(self) -> str:
        Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.

    def view(self) -> NodeView:
        Returns an unmodifiable view of this node.

        The view object works as the accessor to entity and child nodes.
        if self._view is None:
            node = self
            class _NodeView(NodeView):
                def __call__(self, alt: Any = None) -> Any:
                    """Returns an entity of this node."""
                    return node.entity
                def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> ContainerView:
                    """Returns a view of child nodes by its name."""
                    return node.children[key].view
                def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView]]:
                    """Iterate key-value pairs of child nodes."""
                    return map(lambda nc: (nc[0], nc[1].view), node.children.items())
            self._view = _NodeView()
        return self._view

    def add_child(self, child: 'Node') -> Self:
        Adds a child node.

            child: Child node.
            This instance.
        if child.prop.template != self.prop.template:
            raise ValueError(f"Nodes from different graph template can't be associated.")
        return self

    def has_child(self, child: 'Node') -> bool:
        Checks this node contains the node identical to given node.

            child: Node to search.
            `True` if exists.
        if child.prop.template != self.prop.template:
            return False
        elif in self.children:
            return child in self.children[].keys
            return False

class _GraphNode(Node):
    def view(self):
        return self.entity.view

    def add_child(self, child):
        raise TypeError(f"GraphNode does not have child.")

    def has_child(self, child):
        return False


def new_graph(template: GraphTemplate, *bases: Union[GraphGraphView]) ‑> Graph

Create a graph from a template.

Use this function instead of invoking constructor directly.


A template of a graph.
Other graphs whose nodes are appended to created graph.


Created graph.

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def new_graph(template: GraphTemplate, *bases: Union[Graph, GraphView]) -> Graph:
    Create a graph from a template.

    Use this function instead of invoking constructor directly.

        template: A template of a graph.
        bases: Other graphs whose nodes are appended to created graph.
        Created graph.
    graph = Graph(template)

    for b in bases:
        graph += b

    return graph


class ContainerView (*args, **kwargs)

The interface of the view of a node set, i.e. NodeContainer and Node.Children .

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class ContainerView(Protocol, Generic[T]):
    The interface of the view of a node set, i.e. `NodeContainer` and `Node.Children` .
    def __bool__(self) -> bool:
        """Returns whether this container is not empty."""
    def __call__(self) -> T:
        """Returns a base container."""
    def __len__(self) -> int:
        """Returns the number of nodes."""
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator['NodeView']:
        """Iterates views of nodes."""
    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'NodeView': ...
    def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Iterable['NodeView']: ...
    def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union['NodeView', Iterable['NodeView']]:
        """Returns a view of a node at the index."""
    def __getattr__(self, key) -> 'ContainerView':
        """Returns a view of the first node or empty container view if it does not exist."""


  • typing.Protocol
  • typing.Generic


  • pyracmon.graph.graph._EmptyContainerView
class Graph (template: GraphTemplate)

This class represents a graph composed of tree-structured node containers.

The structure is determined by GraphTemplate. Use new_graph() Instead of constructor to create new graph instance.

template = GraphSpac().new_template(
    a = (int, lambda x:x),
    b = (str, lambda x:x),
    c = (str, lambda x:x),
template.a << template.b << template.c
graph = new_graph(template)

In above code, a graph which has 3 properties ( a b c ) and a structure where a is parent of b and b is parent of c is created.

append ( replace ) is a method to store entities in the graph with tying them each other according to the structure. Entites are encapsulated by Node which can have an edge to parent node.

graph.append(a=1, b="a", c="x").append(a=2, b="b", c="y")

In append, entities are first sorted in descending order, and then:

  • Search a node whose entity is identical to the first entity from the corresponding node container.
    • If found, new node is not created and the identical node is set to next parent.
    • Otherwise, new node is appended and it is set to next parent.
  • Apply this to following entities in order. A difference is that identical node is searched from the sequence of parents in the session.

In example here, the identification is done by entity value itself ( lambda x:x ). Next code is the example where identical nodes are found.

graph.append(a=1, b="a", c="z").append(a=2, b="c", c="y")

In the first append, a and b has its identical node and a is identical in the second. c in the second one is not identical to any node because parent node b="c" is already added as new node.

Due to the identification mechanism, entity relationships in the graph is guaranteed after repeating append .

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class Graph:
    This class represents a graph composed of tree-structured node containers.

    The structure is determined by `GraphTemplate`. Use `new_graph` Instead of constructor to create new graph instance.

    template = GraphSpac().new_template(
        a = (int, lambda x:x),
        b = (str, lambda x:x),
        c = (str, lambda x:x),
    template.a << template.b << template.c
    graph = new_graph(template)

    In above code, a graph which has 3 properties ( `a` `b` `c` ) and a structure where `a` is parent of `b` and `b` is parent of `c` is created.

    `append` ( `replace` ) is a method to store entities in the graph with tying them each other according to the structure.
    Entites are encapsulated by `Node` which can have an edge to parent node.

    graph.append(a=1, b="a", c="x").append(a=2, b="b", c="y")

    In `append`, entities are first sorted in descending order, and then:

    - Search a node whose entity is *identical* to the first entity from the corresponding node container.
        - If found, new node is not created and the *identical* node is set to next parent.
        - Otherwise, new node is appended and it is set to next parent.
    - Apply this to following entities in order. A difference is that *identical* node is searched from the sequence of parents in the session.

    In example here, the identification is done by entity value itself ( `lambda x:x` ). Next code is the example where *identical* nodes are found.

    graph.append(a=1, b="a", c="z").append(a=2, b="c", c="y")

    In the first `append`, `a` and `b` has its *identical* node and `a` is *identical* in the second.
    `c` in the second one is not *identical* to any node because parent node `b="c"` is already added as new node.

    Due to the identification mechanism, entity relationships in the graph is guaranteed after repeating `append` .
    def __init__(self, template: GraphTemplate):
        #: Graph template.
        self.template: GraphTemplate = template
        #: A `dict` containing node containers by their names.
        self.containers: dict[str, NodeContainer] = { for p in template}
        self._view = None

    def _to_container(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property) -> 'NodeContainer':
        if isinstance(prop.kind, GraphTemplate):
            return _GraphNodeContainer(prop)
            return NodeContainer(prop)

    def _container_of(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property) -> Optional['NodeContainer']:
        candidates = [c for c in self.containers.values() if c.prop.is_compatible(prop)]
        if len(candidates) > 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Container can't be determined from property '{}'.")
        return candidates[0] if candidates else None

    def __add__(self, another: Union[Self, GraphView]) -> 'Graph':
        Create new graph by adding this graph and another graph.

        New graph has the same template as this graph's.
        On the other hand, because this method depends on `__iadd__()`, another graph must not have the same template.

            another: Graph or its view.
            Created graph.
        graph = Graph(self.template)

        graph += self
        graph += another

        return graph

    def __iadd__(self, another: Union[Self, GraphView]) -> Self:
        Append nodes from another graph.

        Nodes of another graph are traversed from its root and appended to compatible containers each other.

            another: Graph or its view.
            This graph.
        graph = another if isinstance(another, Graph) else another()

        def add(n: Node, anc: dict[str, list[Node]]):
            c = self._container_of(n.prop)
            if c:
                c.append(n.entity, anc)
            for ch_ in n.children.values():
                for m in ch_.nodes:
                    add(m, anc.copy())

        for c_ in graph.roots:
            for n_ in c_.nodes:
                add(n_, {})

        return self

    def roots(self) -> Iterable['NodeContainer']:
        Returns root node containers.
        return filter(lambda c: c.prop.parent is None, self.containers.values())

    def view(self) -> GraphView:
        Returns an unmodifiable view of this graph.

        The view object works as the accessor to graph nodes.

        >>> template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
        >>> template.a << template.b
        >>> graph = new_graph(template)
        >>> view = graph.view
        >>> assert view() is graph                        # invocation
        >>> assert view.a is graph.containers["a"].view   # attribute
        >>> assert [c().name for c in view] == ["a", "c"] # iteration
        if self._view is None:
            graph = self
            class _GraphView:
                def __call__(self) -> Graph:
                    """Returns the greph of this view."""
                    return graph
                def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView[NodeContainer]]]:
                    """Iterates views of root containers."""
                    return map(lambda c: (, c.view), filter(lambda c: c.prop.parent is None, graph.containers.values()))
                def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> ContainerView:
                    """Returns a view of a container of the name."""
                    return graph.containers[name].view
            self._view = _GraphView()
        return self._view

    def _append(self, to_replace: bool, entities: dict[str, Any]) -> Self:
        props = [p for p in self.template if in entities]

        filtered = set()
        for p in props:
            if (p.parent is None) or ( not in entities) or ( in filtered):
                if p.entity_filter is None or p.entity_filter(entities[]):

        ancestors = {}
        for k in [ for p in props if in filtered]:
            self.containers[k].append(entities[k], ancestors, to_replace)

        return self

    def append(self, **entities: Any) -> Self:
        Append entities with associated property names.

            entities: Entities keyed with associated property names.
            This graph.
        return self._append(False, entities)

    def replace(self, **entities: Any) -> Self:
        Works similarly to `append`, but entities of identical nodes are replaced with given entities.

            entities: Entities keyed with associated property names.
            This graph.
        return self._append(True, entities)

Instance variables

var containers

A dict containing node containers by their names.

var roots :['NodeContainer']

Returns root node containers.

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def roots(self) -> Iterable['NodeContainer']:
    Returns root node containers.
    return filter(lambda c: c.prop.parent is None, self.containers.values())
var template

Graph template.

var viewGraphView

Returns an unmodifiable view of this graph.

The view object works as the accessor to graph nodes.

>>> template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
>>> template.a << template.b
>>> graph = new_graph(template)
>>> view = graph.view
>>> assert view() is graph                        # invocation
>>> assert view.a is graph.containers["a"].view   # attribute
>>> assert [c().name for c in view] == ["a", "c"] # iteration
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def view(self) -> GraphView:
    Returns an unmodifiable view of this graph.

    The view object works as the accessor to graph nodes.

    >>> template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
    >>> template.a << template.b
    >>> graph = new_graph(template)
    >>> view = graph.view
    >>> assert view() is graph                        # invocation
    >>> assert view.a is graph.containers["a"].view   # attribute
    >>> assert [c().name for c in view] == ["a", "c"] # iteration
    if self._view is None:
        graph = self
        class _GraphView:
            def __call__(self) -> Graph:
                """Returns the greph of this view."""
                return graph
            def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView[NodeContainer]]]:
                """Iterates views of root containers."""
                return map(lambda c: (, c.view), filter(lambda c: c.prop.parent is None, graph.containers.values()))
            def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> ContainerView:
                """Returns a view of a container of the name."""
                return graph.containers[name].view
        self._view = _GraphView()
    return self._view


def append(self, **entities: Any) ‑> typing_extensions.Self

Append entities with associated property names.


Entities keyed with associated property names.


This graph.

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def append(self, **entities: Any) -> Self:
    Append entities with associated property names.

        entities: Entities keyed with associated property names.
        This graph.
    return self._append(False, entities)
def replace(self, **entities: Any) ‑> typing_extensions.Self

Works similarly to append, but entities of identical nodes are replaced with given entities.


Entities keyed with associated property names.


This graph.

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def replace(self, **entities: Any) -> Self:
    Works similarly to `append`, but entities of identical nodes are replaced with given entities.

        entities: Entities keyed with associated property names.
        This graph.
    return self._append(True, entities)
class GraphView (*args, **kwargs)

The interface of the view of graph.

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class GraphView(Protocol):
    The interface of the view of graph.
    def __call__(self) -> 'Graph': ...
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, 'ContainerView[NodeContainer]']]:
        Iterates root container views.

            Iterator of pairs of name and container view.
    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> 'ContainerView':
        Returns a container view by its name.

            name: Container name. i.e. template property name for the node container.
            Container view.


  • typing.Protocol
  • typing.Generic
class Node (prop: GraphTemplate.Property, entity: Any, key: Optional[Any], index: int)

This class represents a node which contains an entity.

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class Node:
    This class represents a node which contains an entity.
    class Children:
        This class represents a child nodes of a node.
        def __init__(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property):
            #: Template property.
            self.prop = prop
            self.nodes: list[Node] = []
            self.keys = set()
            self._view = None

        def name(self) -> str:
            Returns the name of corresponding template property.

        def view(self) -> ContainerView['Node.Children']:
            Returns an unmodifiable view of child nodes.
            if self._view is None:
                base = self
                class _ChildrenView:
                    def __bool__(self):
                        """Returns whether this container is not empty."""
                        return len(base.nodes) != 0
                    def __call__(self):
                        """Returns children container."""
                        return base
                    def __iter__(self):
                        """Iterates views of child nodes."""
                        return map(lambda n: n.view, base.nodes)
                    def __len__(self):
                        """Returns the number of child nodes."""
                        return len(base.nodes)
                    def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'NodeView': ...
                    def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Iterable['NodeView']: ...
                    def __getitem__(self, index):
                        """Returns a view of child node at the index."""
                        if isinstance(index, slice):
                            return [n.view for n in base.nodes[index]]
                            return base.nodes[index].view
                    def __getattr__(self, key):
                        """Returns a view of the first node or empty container view if it does not exist."""
                        child = next(filter(lambda c: == key, base.prop.children), None)
                        if child:
                            return base.nodes[0].children[key].view if len(base.nodes) > 0 else _EmptyContainerView(child)
                            raise KeyError(f"Graph property '{}' does not have a child property '{key}'.")
                self._view = _ChildrenView()
            return self._view

        def __contains__(self, node: 'Node') -> bool:
            return node in self.keys

        def __iter__(self) -> Iterator['Node']:
            return iter(self.nodes)

        def append(self, node):
            if node not in self.keys:

    def __init__(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property, entity: Any, key: Optional[Any], index: int):
        #: Template property.
        self.prop = prop
        #: An entity value.
        self.entity = entity
        self.key = key
        self.parents = set()
        self.children: dict[str, Node.Children] = { Node.Children(c) for c in prop.children}
        self._index = index
        self._view = None

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in self.children

    def name(self) -> str:
        Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.

    def view(self) -> NodeView:
        Returns an unmodifiable view of this node.

        The view object works as the accessor to entity and child nodes.
        if self._view is None:
            node = self
            class _NodeView(NodeView):
                def __call__(self, alt: Any = None) -> Any:
                    """Returns an entity of this node."""
                    return node.entity
                def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> ContainerView:
                    """Returns a view of child nodes by its name."""
                    return node.children[key].view
                def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView]]:
                    """Iterate key-value pairs of child nodes."""
                    return map(lambda nc: (nc[0], nc[1].view), node.children.items())
            self._view = _NodeView()
        return self._view

    def add_child(self, child: 'Node') -> Self:
        Adds a child node.

            child: Child node.
            This instance.
        if child.prop.template != self.prop.template:
            raise ValueError(f"Nodes from different graph template can't be associated.")
        return self

    def has_child(self, child: 'Node') -> bool:
        Checks this node contains the node identical to given node.

            child: Node to search.
            `True` if exists.
        if child.prop.template != self.prop.template:
            return False
        elif in self.children:
            return child in self.children[].keys
            return False


  • pyracmon.graph.graph._GraphNode

Class variables

var Children

This class represents a child nodes of a node.

Instance variables

var entity

An entity value.

var name : str

Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.

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def name(self) -> str:
    Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.
var prop

Template property.

var viewNodeView

Returns an unmodifiable view of this node.

The view object works as the accessor to entity and child nodes.

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def view(self) -> NodeView:
    Returns an unmodifiable view of this node.

    The view object works as the accessor to entity and child nodes.
    if self._view is None:
        node = self
        class _NodeView(NodeView):
            def __call__(self, alt: Any = None) -> Any:
                """Returns an entity of this node."""
                return node.entity
            def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> ContainerView:
                """Returns a view of child nodes by its name."""
                return node.children[key].view
            def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView]]:
                """Iterate key-value pairs of child nodes."""
                return map(lambda nc: (nc[0], nc[1].view), node.children.items())
        self._view = _NodeView()
    return self._view


def add_child(self, child: Node) ‑> typing_extensions.Self

Adds a child node.


Child node.


This instance.

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def add_child(self, child: 'Node') -> Self:
    Adds a child node.

        child: Child node.
        This instance.
    if child.prop.template != self.prop.template:
        raise ValueError(f"Nodes from different graph template can't be associated.")
    return self
def has_child(self, child: Node) ‑> bool

Checks this node contains the node identical to given node.


Node to search.


True if exists.

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def has_child(self, child: 'Node') -> bool:
    Checks this node contains the node identical to given node.

        child: Node to search.
        `True` if exists.
    if child.prop.template != self.prop.template:
        return False
    elif in self.children:
        return child in self.children[].keys
        return False
class NodeContainer (prop: GraphTemplate.Property)

This class represents a container of nodes for a template property.

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class NodeContainer:
    This class represents a container of nodes for a template property.
    def __init__(self, prop: GraphTemplate.Property):
        #: Template property.
        self.prop = prop
        self.nodes: list[Node] = []
        self.keys: dict[Any, list[int]] = {}
        self._view = None

    def name(self) -> str:
        Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.

    def view(self) -> ContainerView['NodeContainer']:
        Returns an unmodifiable view of this container.

        The view object works as the accessor to container components.

        template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
        template.a << template.b
        graph = new_graph(template).append(a=1, b="a").append(a=1, b="b").append(a=2, b="c")
        container = graph.containers["a"]
        view = graph.view.a
        assert view() is container                             # invocation
        assert view.b is container.nodes[0].children["b"].view # attribute
        assert view[1] is container.nodes[1].view              # index
        assert [n() for n in view] == [1, 2]                   # iteration
        assert len(view) == 2                                  # length
        if self._view is None:
            container = self
            class _ContainerView:
                def __bool__(self):
                    """Returns whether this container is not empty."""
                    return len(container.nodes) != 0
                def __call__(self) -> NodeContainer:
                    """Returns a base container."""
                    return container
                def __len__(self):
                    """Returns the number of nodes."""
                    return len(container.nodes)
                def __iter__(self):
                    """Iterates views of nodes."""
                    return map(lambda n: n.view, container.nodes)
                def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'NodeView': ...
                def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Iterable['NodeView']: ...
                def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union['NodeView', Iterable['NodeView']]:
                    """Returns a view of a node at the index."""
                    if isinstance(index, slice):
                        return [n.view for n in container.nodes[index]]
                        return container.nodes[index].view
                def __getattr__(self, key) -> ContainerView:
                    """Returns a view of the first node or empty container view if it does not exist."""
                    child = next(filter(lambda c: == key, container.prop.children), None)
                    if child:
                        return container.nodes[0].children[key].view if len(container.nodes) > 0 else _EmptyContainerView(child)
                        raise KeyError(f"Graph property '{}' does not have a child property '{key}'.")
            self._view = _ContainerView()
        return self._view

    def append(self, entity: Any, ancestors: MutableMapping[str, list['Node']], to_replace: bool = False):
        Add an entity to this container.

        Identical node is searched by examining whether this container already contains a node of the identical entity
        and its parent is found in `anscestors` .

            entity: An entity to be stored in the node.
            ancestors: Parent nodes mapped by property names.
            to_replace: If `True`, the entity of identical node is replaced. Otherwise, it is not changed.
        policy: IdentifyPolicy = self.prop.policy or neverPolicy()

        key = policy.get_identifier(entity)

        parents, identicals = policy.identify(self.prop, [self.nodes[i] for i in self.keys.get(key, [])], ancestors)

        new_nodes = identicals.copy()

        for pn in parents:
            index = len(self.nodes)

            node = Node(self.prop, entity, key, index)
            if key is not None:
                self.keys.setdefault(key, []).append(index)

            if pn is not None:

        if to_replace:
            for n in identicals:
                n.entity = entity

        ancestors[] = new_nodes


  • pyracmon.graph.graph._GraphNodeContainer

Instance variables

var name : str

Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.

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def name(self) -> str:
    Returns the container name, which is same as the name of template property.
var prop

Template property.

var viewContainerView[NodeContainer]

Returns an unmodifiable view of this container.

The view object works as the accessor to container components.

template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
template.a << template.b
graph = new_graph(template).append(a=1, b="a").append(a=1, b="b").append(a=2, b="c")
container = graph.containers["a"]
view = graph.view.a
assert view() is container                             # invocation
assert view.b is container.nodes[0].children["b"].view # attribute
assert view[1] is container.nodes[1].view              # index
assert [n() for n in view] == [1, 2]                   # iteration
assert len(view) == 2                                  # length
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def view(self) -> ContainerView['NodeContainer']:
    Returns an unmodifiable view of this container.

    The view object works as the accessor to container components.

    template = GraphSpac().new_template(a=int, b=str, c=str)
    template.a << template.b
    graph = new_graph(template).append(a=1, b="a").append(a=1, b="b").append(a=2, b="c")
    container = graph.containers["a"]
    view = graph.view.a
    assert view() is container                             # invocation
    assert view.b is container.nodes[0].children["b"].view # attribute
    assert view[1] is container.nodes[1].view              # index
    assert [n() for n in view] == [1, 2]                   # iteration
    assert len(view) == 2                                  # length
    if self._view is None:
        container = self
        class _ContainerView:
            def __bool__(self):
                """Returns whether this container is not empty."""
                return len(container.nodes) != 0
            def __call__(self) -> NodeContainer:
                """Returns a base container."""
                return container
            def __len__(self):
                """Returns the number of nodes."""
                return len(container.nodes)
            def __iter__(self):
                """Iterates views of nodes."""
                return map(lambda n: n.view, container.nodes)
            def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> 'NodeView': ...
            def __getitem__(self, index: slice) -> Iterable['NodeView']: ...
            def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, slice]) -> Union['NodeView', Iterable['NodeView']]:
                """Returns a view of a node at the index."""
                if isinstance(index, slice):
                    return [n.view for n in container.nodes[index]]
                    return container.nodes[index].view
            def __getattr__(self, key) -> ContainerView:
                """Returns a view of the first node or empty container view if it does not exist."""
                child = next(filter(lambda c: == key, container.prop.children), None)
                if child:
                    return container.nodes[0].children[key].view if len(container.nodes) > 0 else _EmptyContainerView(child)
                    raise KeyError(f"Graph property '{}' does not have a child property '{key}'.")
        self._view = _ContainerView()
    return self._view


def append(self, entity: Any, ancestors:[str, list['Node']], to_replace: bool = False)

Add an entity to this container.

Identical node is searched by examining whether this container already contains a node of the identical entity and its parent is found in anscestors .


An entity to be stored in the node.
Parent nodes mapped by property names.
If True, the entity of identical node is replaced. Otherwise, it is not changed.
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def append(self, entity: Any, ancestors: MutableMapping[str, list['Node']], to_replace: bool = False):
    Add an entity to this container.

    Identical node is searched by examining whether this container already contains a node of the identical entity
    and its parent is found in `anscestors` .

        entity: An entity to be stored in the node.
        ancestors: Parent nodes mapped by property names.
        to_replace: If `True`, the entity of identical node is replaced. Otherwise, it is not changed.
    policy: IdentifyPolicy = self.prop.policy or neverPolicy()

    key = policy.get_identifier(entity)

    parents, identicals = policy.identify(self.prop, [self.nodes[i] for i in self.keys.get(key, [])], ancestors)

    new_nodes = identicals.copy()

    for pn in parents:
        index = len(self.nodes)

        node = Node(self.prop, entity, key, index)
        if key is not None:
            self.keys.setdefault(key, []).append(index)

        if pn is not None:

    if to_replace:
        for n in identicals:
            n.entity = entity

    ancestors[] = new_nodes
class NodeView
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class NodeView:
    def __call__(self, alt: Any = None) -> Any:
        """Returns an entity of this node."""
    def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> ContainerView:
        """Returns a view of child nodes by its name."""
    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, ContainerView]]:
        """Iterate key-value pairs of child nodes."""