Module pyracmon.query

This module exports types and functions for query construction.

Q is the factory class constructing query condition, that is, WHERE clause. Class methods on Q are designed to concatenate conditions in conjunction with query before WHERE .

Constructed condition results in Conditional object and where() extracts WHERE clause and parameters from it. Due to that, query operation code can be divided into condition construction phase and query formatting phase clearly.

cond = Q.eq("t", c1=1) &"t", c2=2)
w, params = where(cond)
db.stmt().execute("SELECT * FROM table AS t {w} LIMIT $_ OFFSET $_", *params, 10, 5)
# SQL: SELECT * FROM table AS t WHERE t.c1 = 1 AND t.c2 < 2 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5
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This module exports types and functions for query construction.

`Q` is the factory class constructing query condition, that is, `WHERE` clause.
Class methods on `Q` are designed to concatenate conditions in conjunction with query before `WHERE` .

Constructed condition results in `Conditional` object and `where` extracts `WHERE` clause and parameters from it.
Due to that, query operation code can be divided into condition construction phase and query formatting phase clearly.

cond = Q.eq("t", c1=1) &"t", c2=2)
w, params = where(cond)
db.stmt().execute("SELECT * FROM table AS t {w} LIMIT $_ OFFSET $_", *params, 10, 5)
# SQL: SELECT * FROM table AS t WHERE t.c1 = 1 AND t.c2 < 2 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5
from import Sequence, Mapping
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Callable, Union, Generic, Optional, Protocol, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing_extensions import Self, TypeVarTuple, Unpack, NotRequired

QA = TypeVarTuple('QA')
    # TODO: There are no correct hinting expression for optional arguments in python <= 3.10.
    class Queryable(Protocol, Generic[Unpack[QA]]):
        def eq(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def neq(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def in_(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def not_in(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def match(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def like(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def startswith(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def endswith(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def lt(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def le(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def gt(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
        def ge(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    class Queryable(Protocol, Generic[Unpack[QA]]):

class Q:
    This class provides utility class methods creating conditions.

    Using `of()` is the most simple way to create a condition clause with parameters.

    >>> Q.of("a = $_", 1)
    Condition: 'a = $_' -- [1]

    Other utility methods correspond to basic operators defined in SQL.
    They takes keyword arguments and create conditions by applying operator to each item respectively.

    >>> Q.eq(a=1)
    Condition: 'a = %s' -- [1]
    >>> Q.in_(a=[1, 2, 3])
    Condition: 'a IN (%s, %s, %s)' -- [1, 2, 3]
    Condition: 'a LIKE %s' -- ["%abc%"]

    Multiple arguments generates a condition which concatenates conditions with logical operator, by default `AND` .

    >>> Q.eq(a=1, b=2)
    Condition: 'a = %s AND b = %s' -- [1, 2]

    Those methods also accept table alias which is prepended to columns.

    >>> Q.eq("t", a=1, b=2)
    Condition: 't.a = %s AND t.b = %s'

    Additionally, the instance of this class has its own functionality to generate condition.

    Each parameter passed to the constructor becomes an instance method of the instance,
    which takes a condition clause including placeholders which will take parameters in query execution phase.
    `pyracmon.connection.Statement.execute` allows unified marker `$_` in spite of DB driver.

    >>> q = Q(a=1)
    >>> q.a("a = $_")
    Condition: 'a = $_' -- [1]

    Method whose name is not passed to the constructor renders empty condition which has no effect on the query.

    >>> q.b("b = $_")
    Condition: '' -- []

    By default, `None` is equivalent to not being passed. Giving `True` at the first argument in constructor changes the behavior.

    >>> q = Q(a=1, b=None)
    >>> q.b("b = $_")
    Condition: '' -- []
    >>> q = Q(True, a=1, b=None)
    >>> q.b("b = $_")
    Condition: 'b = $_' -- [None]

    This feature simplifies a query construction in cases some parameters are absent.

    >>> def search(db, q):
    >>>     w, params = where(q.a("a = $_") & q.b("b = $_"))
    >>>     db.stmt().execute(f"SELECT * FROM table {w}", *params)
    >>> search(db, Q(a=1))      # SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 1
    >>> search(db, Q(a=1, b=2)) # SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 1 AND b = 2
    >>> search(db, Q())         # SELECT * FROM table
    class Attribute(Queryable[str]): # type: ignore
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value

        def __call__(
            expression: Union[str, Callable[[Any], str]],
            convert: Optional[Union[Callable[[Any], Any], Any]] = None,
        ) -> 'Conditional':
            Creates conditional object composed of given expression and the attribute value as parameters.

                expression: A clause or a function generating a clause by taking the attribute value.
                convert: A function converting the attribute value to parameters.
                    If this function returns a value which is not a list, a list having only the value is used.
            expression = expression if isinstance(expression, str) else expression(self.value)

            if callable(convert):
                params = convert(self.value)
            elif convert is not None:
                params = convert
                params = [self.value]

            return Conditional(expression, params if isinstance(params, list) else [params])

        def all(self) -> 'Q.Attribute':
            Returns composite attribute which applies conditions to every values iterated from attribute value and join them with `AND`.

                Composite attribute.
            return Q.CompositeAttribute(self.value, True)

        def any(self) -> 'Q.Attribute':
            Returns composite attribute which applies conditions to every values iterated from attribute value and join them with `OR`.

                Composite attribute.
            return Q.CompositeAttribute(self.value, False)

        def __bool__(self):
            return True

        def __and__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return other if bool(self.value) else Conditional()

        def __or__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return other if not bool(self.value) else Conditional()

        def __getattr__(self, key):
            Exposes a method which works similarly to 'Q' 's utility method of the same name.

            >>> q = Q(a = 1)
            >>> q.a.eq("col")
            Condition: 'col = $_' -- [1]
            >>> q.a.eq("col", None, "t")
            Condition: 't.col = $_' -- [1]
            >>> q.a.eq("col", lambda x: x*2, "t")
            Condition: 't.col = $_' -- [2]
            method = getattr(Q, key)
            def invoke(col, convert=None, *args, **kwargs):
                if callable(convert):
                    value = convert(self.value)
                    value = convert if convert is not None else self.value
                kwargs.update({col: value})
                return method(*args, **kwargs)
            return invoke

    class CompositeAttribute(Attribute):
        def __init__(self, value, and_):
            self._and = and_

        def __call__(self, expression, convert=None):
            conds = [Q.Attribute(v)(expression, convert) for v in self.value]
            return Conditional.all(conds) if self._and else Conditional.any(conds)

        def __getattr__(self, key):
            method = getattr(Q, key)
            def invoke(col, convert=None, *args, **kwargs):
                def conv(v):
                    if callable(convert):
                        return convert(v)
                        # REVIEW Replacing every parameter in the list with the same value is meaningless?
                        return convert if convert is not None else v
                conds = [method(*args, **dict(chain(kwargs.items(), [(col, conv(v))]))) for v in self.value]
                return Conditional.all(conds) if self._and else Conditional.any(conds)
            return invoke

    class NoAttribute(Attribute):
        def __init__(self):

        def __call__(self, expression, holder=lambda x:x):
            return Conditional()

        def all(self):
            return self

        def any(self):
            return self

        def __bool__(self):
            return False

        def __and__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return Conditional()

        def __or__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return Conditional()

        def __getattr__(self, key):
            method = getattr(Q, key)
            def invoke(col, convert=None, *args):
                return Conditional()
            return invoke

    def __init__(self, _include_none_: bool = False, **kwargs: Any):
        Initializes an instance.

            _include_none_: Whether include attributes whose value is `None`.
            kwargs: Denotes pairs of attribute name and parameter.
        self.attributes = dict([(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if _include_none_ or v is not None])

    def __getattr__(self, key) -> Attribute:
        if key in self.attributes:
            return Q.Attribute(self.attributes[key])
            return Q.NoAttribute()

    def of(cls, expression: str = "", *params: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Creates a condition directly from an expression and parameters.

            expression: Condition expression.
            params: Parameters used in the condition.
            Condition object.
        return Conditional(expression, list(params))

    def eq(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Creates a condition applying `=` operator to columns.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def is_null(col, val):
            if val is None:
                return f"{col} IS NULL", []
            elif val is True:
                return f"{col}", []
            elif val is False:
                return f"NOT {col}", []
            return None
        return _conditional("=", _and_, kwargs, is_null, _alias_)

    def neq(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `!=`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def is_null(col, val):
            if val is None:
                return f"{col} IS NOT NULL", []
            elif val is True:
                return f"NOT {col}", []
            elif val is False:
                return f"{col}", []
            return None
        return _conditional("!=", _and_, kwargs, is_null, _alias_)

    def in_(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Sequence[Any]) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `IN`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def in_list(col, val):
            if len(val) == 0:
                return "1 = 0", []
                holder = ', '.join(['$_'] * len(val))
                return f"{col} IN ({holder})", val
        return _conditional("IN", _and_, kwargs, in_list, _alias_)

    def not_in(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Sequence[Any]) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `NOT IN`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def in_list(col, val):
            if len(val) == 0:
                return "", []
                holder = ', '.join(['$_'] * len(val))
                return f"{col} NOT IN ({holder})", val
        return _conditional("NOT IN", _and_, kwargs, in_list, _alias_)

    def match(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be passed to query without being escaped or enclosed.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def like(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and enclosed with wildcards (%) to execute partial match.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"%{escape_like(v)}%" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)

    def startswith(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and appended with wildcards (%) to execute prefix match.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"{escape_like(v)}%" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)

    def endswith(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and prepended with wildcards (%) to execute backward match.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"%{escape_like(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)

    def lt(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `<`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("<", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def le(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `<=`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("<=", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def gt(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `>`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional(">", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def ge(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `>=`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional(">=", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

def _conditional(op, and_, column_values, gen=None, alias=None) -> 'Conditional':
    cond = Conditional()

    def concat(c):
        nonlocal cond
        if and_:
            cond &= c
            cond |= c

    for col, val in column_values.items():
        col = f"{alias}.{col}" if alias else col

        if gen:
            r = gen(col, val)
            if r is not None:
                concat(Conditional(r[0], r[1]))

        concat(Conditional(f"{col} {op} $_", [val]))

    return cond

class Expression:
    Abstraction of expression in any query.
    def __init__(self, expression: str, params: list[Any]):
        #: Expression string.
        self.expression = expression
        #: Parameters corresponding to placeholders in the expression.
        self.params = params

class Conditional(Expression):
    Represents a query condition composed of an expression and parameters.

    Parameters must be a list where the index of each parameter matches the index of placeholder for it.
    The expression accepts only the unified marker `$_`.

    Applying logical operators such as `&`, `|` and `~` generates new condition.

    >>> c1 = Q.of("a = $_", 0)
    >>> c2 = Q.of("b < $_", 1)
    >>> c3 = Q.of("c > $_", 2)
    >>> c = ~(c1 & c2 | c3)
    >>> c
    Condition: NOT (((a = $_) AND (b < $_)) OR (c > $_)) -- [0, 1, 2]
    def all(cls, conditionals: Sequence['Conditional']) -> 'Conditional':
        Concatenates condition objects with `AND`.

            conditionals: Condition objects.
            Concatenated condition object.
        return reduce(lambda acc, c: acc & c, conditionals, Conditional())

    def any(cls, conditionals: Sequence['Conditional']) -> 'Conditional':
        Concatenates condition objects with `OR`.

            conditionals: Condition objects.
            Concatenated condition object.
        if len(conditionals) == 0:
            return Conditional("1 = 0")
        return reduce(lambda acc, c: acc | c, conditionals, Conditional())

    def __init__(self, expression="", params=None):
        super().__init__(expression, params or [])

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Condition: '{self.expression}' -- {self.params}"

    def __and__(self, other) -> 'Conditional':
        expression = ""
        if self.expression and other.expression:
            expression = f"({self.expression}) AND ({other.expression})"
        elif self.expression:
            expression = self.expression
        elif other.expression:
            expression = other.expression

        return Conditional(expression, self.params + other.params)

    def __or__(self, other) -> 'Conditional':
        expression = ""
        if self.expression and other.expression:
            expression = f"({self.expression}) OR ({other.expression})"
        elif self.expression:
            expression = self.expression
        elif other.expression:
            expression = other.expression

        return Conditional(expression, self.params + other.params)

    def __invert__(self) -> 'Conditional':
        if self.expression:
            return Conditional(f"NOT ({self.expression})", self.params)
            return Conditional(f"1 = 0", [])

def escape_like(v: str) -> str:
    Escape a string for the use in `LIKE` condition.

        v: A string.
        Escaped string.
    def esc(c):
        if c == "\\":
            return r"\\\\"
        elif c == "%":
            return r"\%"
        elif c == "_":
            return r"\_"
            return c
    return ''.join(map(esc, v))

def where(condition: 'Conditional') -> tuple[str, list[Any]]:
    Generates a `WHERE` clause and parameters representing given condition.

    If the condition is empty, returned clause is an empty string which does not contain `WHERE` keyword.

        condition: Condition object.
        Tuple of `WHERE` clause and parameters.
    return ('', []) if condition.expression == '' else (f'WHERE {condition.expression}', condition.params)


def escape_like(v: str) ‑> str

Escape a string for the use in LIKE condition.


A string.


Escaped string.

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def escape_like(v: str) -> str:
    Escape a string for the use in `LIKE` condition.

        v: A string.
        Escaped string.
    def esc(c):
        if c == "\\":
            return r"\\\\"
        elif c == "%":
            return r"\%"
        elif c == "_":
            return r"\_"
            return c
    return ''.join(map(esc, v))
def where(condition: Conditional) ‑> tuple[str, list[typing.Any]]

Generates a WHERE clause and parameters representing given condition.

If the condition is empty, returned clause is an empty string which does not contain WHERE keyword.


Condition object.


Tuple of WHERE clause and parameters.

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def where(condition: 'Conditional') -> tuple[str, list[Any]]:
    Generates a `WHERE` clause and parameters representing given condition.

    If the condition is empty, returned clause is an empty string which does not contain `WHERE` keyword.

        condition: Condition object.
        Tuple of `WHERE` clause and parameters.
    return ('', []) if condition.expression == '' else (f'WHERE {condition.expression}', condition.params)


class Conditional (expression='', params=None)

Represents a query condition composed of an expression and parameters.

Parameters must be a list where the index of each parameter matches the index of placeholder for it. The expression accepts only the unified marker $_.

Applying logical operators such as &, | and ~ generates new condition.

>>> c1 = Q.of("a = $_", 0)
>>> c2 = Q.of("b < $_", 1)
>>> c3 = Q.of("c > $_", 2)
>>> c = ~(c1 & c2 | c3)
>>> c
Condition: NOT (((a = $_) AND (b < $_)) OR (c > $_)) -- [0, 1, 2]
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class Conditional(Expression):
    Represents a query condition composed of an expression and parameters.

    Parameters must be a list where the index of each parameter matches the index of placeholder for it.
    The expression accepts only the unified marker `$_`.

    Applying logical operators such as `&`, `|` and `~` generates new condition.

    >>> c1 = Q.of("a = $_", 0)
    >>> c2 = Q.of("b < $_", 1)
    >>> c3 = Q.of("c > $_", 2)
    >>> c = ~(c1 & c2 | c3)
    >>> c
    Condition: NOT (((a = $_) AND (b < $_)) OR (c > $_)) -- [0, 1, 2]
    def all(cls, conditionals: Sequence['Conditional']) -> 'Conditional':
        Concatenates condition objects with `AND`.

            conditionals: Condition objects.
            Concatenated condition object.
        return reduce(lambda acc, c: acc & c, conditionals, Conditional())

    def any(cls, conditionals: Sequence['Conditional']) -> 'Conditional':
        Concatenates condition objects with `OR`.

            conditionals: Condition objects.
            Concatenated condition object.
        if len(conditionals) == 0:
            return Conditional("1 = 0")
        return reduce(lambda acc, c: acc | c, conditionals, Conditional())

    def __init__(self, expression="", params=None):
        super().__init__(expression, params or [])

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Condition: '{self.expression}' -- {self.params}"

    def __and__(self, other) -> 'Conditional':
        expression = ""
        if self.expression and other.expression:
            expression = f"({self.expression}) AND ({other.expression})"
        elif self.expression:
            expression = self.expression
        elif other.expression:
            expression = other.expression

        return Conditional(expression, self.params + other.params)

    def __or__(self, other) -> 'Conditional':
        expression = ""
        if self.expression and other.expression:
            expression = f"({self.expression}) OR ({other.expression})"
        elif self.expression:
            expression = self.expression
        elif other.expression:
            expression = other.expression

        return Conditional(expression, self.params + other.params)

    def __invert__(self) -> 'Conditional':
        if self.expression:
            return Conditional(f"NOT ({self.expression})", self.params)
            return Conditional(f"1 = 0", [])


Static methods

def all(conditionals:['Conditional']) ‑> Conditional

Concatenates condition objects with AND.


Condition objects.


Concatenated condition object.

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def all(cls, conditionals: Sequence['Conditional']) -> 'Conditional':
    Concatenates condition objects with `AND`.

        conditionals: Condition objects.
        Concatenated condition object.
    return reduce(lambda acc, c: acc & c, conditionals, Conditional())
def any(conditionals:['Conditional']) ‑> Conditional

Concatenates condition objects with OR.


Condition objects.


Concatenated condition object.

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def any(cls, conditionals: Sequence['Conditional']) -> 'Conditional':
    Concatenates condition objects with `OR`.

        conditionals: Condition objects.
        Concatenated condition object.
    if len(conditionals) == 0:
        return Conditional("1 = 0")
    return reduce(lambda acc, c: acc | c, conditionals, Conditional())

Inherited members

class Expression (expression: str, params: list[typing.Any])

Abstraction of expression in any query.

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class Expression:
    Abstraction of expression in any query.
    def __init__(self, expression: str, params: list[Any]):
        #: Expression string.
        self.expression = expression
        #: Parameters corresponding to placeholders in the expression.
        self.params = params


Instance variables

var expression

Expression string.

var params

Parameters corresponding to placeholders in the expression.

class Q (**kwargs: Any)

This class provides utility class methods creating conditions.

Using of() is the most simple way to create a condition clause with parameters.

>>> Q.of("a = $_", 1)
Condition: 'a = $_' -- [1]

Other utility methods correspond to basic operators defined in SQL. They takes keyword arguments and create conditions by applying operator to each item respectively.

>>> Q.eq(a=1)
Condition: 'a = %s' -- [1]
>>> Q.in_(a=[1, 2, 3])
Condition: 'a IN (%s, %s, %s)' -- [1, 2, 3]
Condition: 'a LIKE %s' -- ["%abc%"]

Multiple arguments generates a condition which concatenates conditions with logical operator, by default AND .

>>> Q.eq(a=1, b=2)
Condition: 'a = %s AND b = %s' -- [1, 2]

Those methods also accept table alias which is prepended to columns.

>>> Q.eq("t", a=1, b=2)
Condition: 't.a = %s AND t.b = %s'

Additionally, the instance of this class has its own functionality to generate condition.

Each parameter passed to the constructor becomes an instance method of the instance, which takes a condition clause including placeholders which will take parameters in query execution phase. Statement.execute() allows unified marker $_ in spite of DB driver.

>>> q = Q(a=1)
>>> q.a("a = $_")
Condition: 'a = $_' -- [1]

Method whose name is not passed to the constructor renders empty condition which has no effect on the query.

>>> q.b("b = $_")
Condition: '' -- []

By default, None is equivalent to not being passed. Giving True at the first argument in constructor changes the behavior.

>>> q = Q(a=1, b=None)
>>> q.b("b = $_")
Condition: '' -- []
>>> q = Q(True, a=1, b=None)
>>> q.b("b = $_")
Condition: 'b = $_' -- [None]

This feature simplifies a query construction in cases some parameters are absent.

>>> def search(db, q):
>>>     w, params = where(q.a("a = $_") & q.b("b = $_"))
>>>     db.stmt().execute(f"SELECT * FROM table {w}", *params)
>>> search(db, Q(a=1))      # SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 1
>>> search(db, Q(a=1, b=2)) # SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 1 AND b = 2
>>> search(db, Q())         # SELECT * FROM table

Initializes an instance.


Whether include attributes whose value is None.
Denotes pairs of attribute name and parameter.
Expand source code
class Q:
    This class provides utility class methods creating conditions.

    Using `of()` is the most simple way to create a condition clause with parameters.

    >>> Q.of("a = $_", 1)
    Condition: 'a = $_' -- [1]

    Other utility methods correspond to basic operators defined in SQL.
    They takes keyword arguments and create conditions by applying operator to each item respectively.

    >>> Q.eq(a=1)
    Condition: 'a = %s' -- [1]
    >>> Q.in_(a=[1, 2, 3])
    Condition: 'a IN (%s, %s, %s)' -- [1, 2, 3]
    Condition: 'a LIKE %s' -- ["%abc%"]

    Multiple arguments generates a condition which concatenates conditions with logical operator, by default `AND` .

    >>> Q.eq(a=1, b=2)
    Condition: 'a = %s AND b = %s' -- [1, 2]

    Those methods also accept table alias which is prepended to columns.

    >>> Q.eq("t", a=1, b=2)
    Condition: 't.a = %s AND t.b = %s'

    Additionally, the instance of this class has its own functionality to generate condition.

    Each parameter passed to the constructor becomes an instance method of the instance,
    which takes a condition clause including placeholders which will take parameters in query execution phase.
    `pyracmon.connection.Statement.execute` allows unified marker `$_` in spite of DB driver.

    >>> q = Q(a=1)
    >>> q.a("a = $_")
    Condition: 'a = $_' -- [1]

    Method whose name is not passed to the constructor renders empty condition which has no effect on the query.

    >>> q.b("b = $_")
    Condition: '' -- []

    By default, `None` is equivalent to not being passed. Giving `True` at the first argument in constructor changes the behavior.

    >>> q = Q(a=1, b=None)
    >>> q.b("b = $_")
    Condition: '' -- []
    >>> q = Q(True, a=1, b=None)
    >>> q.b("b = $_")
    Condition: 'b = $_' -- [None]

    This feature simplifies a query construction in cases some parameters are absent.

    >>> def search(db, q):
    >>>     w, params = where(q.a("a = $_") & q.b("b = $_"))
    >>>     db.stmt().execute(f"SELECT * FROM table {w}", *params)
    >>> search(db, Q(a=1))      # SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 1
    >>> search(db, Q(a=1, b=2)) # SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 1 AND b = 2
    >>> search(db, Q())         # SELECT * FROM table
    class Attribute(Queryable[str]): # type: ignore
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value

        def __call__(
            expression: Union[str, Callable[[Any], str]],
            convert: Optional[Union[Callable[[Any], Any], Any]] = None,
        ) -> 'Conditional':
            Creates conditional object composed of given expression and the attribute value as parameters.

                expression: A clause or a function generating a clause by taking the attribute value.
                convert: A function converting the attribute value to parameters.
                    If this function returns a value which is not a list, a list having only the value is used.
            expression = expression if isinstance(expression, str) else expression(self.value)

            if callable(convert):
                params = convert(self.value)
            elif convert is not None:
                params = convert
                params = [self.value]

            return Conditional(expression, params if isinstance(params, list) else [params])

        def all(self) -> 'Q.Attribute':
            Returns composite attribute which applies conditions to every values iterated from attribute value and join them with `AND`.

                Composite attribute.
            return Q.CompositeAttribute(self.value, True)

        def any(self) -> 'Q.Attribute':
            Returns composite attribute which applies conditions to every values iterated from attribute value and join them with `OR`.

                Composite attribute.
            return Q.CompositeAttribute(self.value, False)

        def __bool__(self):
            return True

        def __and__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return other if bool(self.value) else Conditional()

        def __or__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return other if not bool(self.value) else Conditional()

        def __getattr__(self, key):
            Exposes a method which works similarly to 'Q' 's utility method of the same name.

            >>> q = Q(a = 1)
            >>> q.a.eq("col")
            Condition: 'col = $_' -- [1]
            >>> q.a.eq("col", None, "t")
            Condition: 't.col = $_' -- [1]
            >>> q.a.eq("col", lambda x: x*2, "t")
            Condition: 't.col = $_' -- [2]
            method = getattr(Q, key)
            def invoke(col, convert=None, *args, **kwargs):
                if callable(convert):
                    value = convert(self.value)
                    value = convert if convert is not None else self.value
                kwargs.update({col: value})
                return method(*args, **kwargs)
            return invoke

    class CompositeAttribute(Attribute):
        def __init__(self, value, and_):
            self._and = and_

        def __call__(self, expression, convert=None):
            conds = [Q.Attribute(v)(expression, convert) for v in self.value]
            return Conditional.all(conds) if self._and else Conditional.any(conds)

        def __getattr__(self, key):
            method = getattr(Q, key)
            def invoke(col, convert=None, *args, **kwargs):
                def conv(v):
                    if callable(convert):
                        return convert(v)
                        # REVIEW Replacing every parameter in the list with the same value is meaningless?
                        return convert if convert is not None else v
                conds = [method(*args, **dict(chain(kwargs.items(), [(col, conv(v))]))) for v in self.value]
                return Conditional.all(conds) if self._and else Conditional.any(conds)
            return invoke

    class NoAttribute(Attribute):
        def __init__(self):

        def __call__(self, expression, holder=lambda x:x):
            return Conditional()

        def all(self):
            return self

        def any(self):
            return self

        def __bool__(self):
            return False

        def __and__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return Conditional()

        def __or__(self, other: 'Conditional') -> 'Conditional':
            return Conditional()

        def __getattr__(self, key):
            method = getattr(Q, key)
            def invoke(col, convert=None, *args):
                return Conditional()
            return invoke

    def __init__(self, _include_none_: bool = False, **kwargs: Any):
        Initializes an instance.

            _include_none_: Whether include attributes whose value is `None`.
            kwargs: Denotes pairs of attribute name and parameter.
        self.attributes = dict([(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if _include_none_ or v is not None])

    def __getattr__(self, key) -> Attribute:
        if key in self.attributes:
            return Q.Attribute(self.attributes[key])
            return Q.NoAttribute()

    def of(cls, expression: str = "", *params: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Creates a condition directly from an expression and parameters.

            expression: Condition expression.
            params: Parameters used in the condition.
            Condition object.
        return Conditional(expression, list(params))

    def eq(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Creates a condition applying `=` operator to columns.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def is_null(col, val):
            if val is None:
                return f"{col} IS NULL", []
            elif val is True:
                return f"{col}", []
            elif val is False:
                return f"NOT {col}", []
            return None
        return _conditional("=", _and_, kwargs, is_null, _alias_)

    def neq(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `!=`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def is_null(col, val):
            if val is None:
                return f"{col} IS NOT NULL", []
            elif val is True:
                return f"NOT {col}", []
            elif val is False:
                return f"{col}", []
            return None
        return _conditional("!=", _and_, kwargs, is_null, _alias_)

    def in_(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Sequence[Any]) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `IN`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def in_list(col, val):
            if len(val) == 0:
                return "1 = 0", []
                holder = ', '.join(['$_'] * len(val))
                return f"{col} IN ({holder})", val
        return _conditional("IN", _and_, kwargs, in_list, _alias_)

    def not_in(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Sequence[Any]) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `NOT IN`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        def in_list(col, val):
            if len(val) == 0:
                return "", []
                holder = ', '.join(['$_'] * len(val))
                return f"{col} NOT IN ({holder})", val
        return _conditional("NOT IN", _and_, kwargs, in_list, _alias_)

    def match(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be passed to query without being escaped or enclosed.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def like(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and enclosed with wildcards (%) to execute partial match.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"%{escape_like(v)}%" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)

    def startswith(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and appended with wildcards (%) to execute prefix match.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"{escape_like(v)}%" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)

    def endswith(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and prepended with wildcards (%) to execute backward match.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"%{escape_like(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)

    def lt(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `<`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("<", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def le(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `<=`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional("<=", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def gt(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `>`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional(">", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

    def ge(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
        Works like `eq`, but applies `>=`.

            _alias_: Table alias.
            _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
            kwargs: Column names and parameters.
            Condition object.
        return _conditional(">=", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)

Class variables

var Attribute

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
var CompositeAttribute

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
var NoAttribute

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:

Static methods

def endswith(**kwargs: str) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies LIKE. Given parameters will be escaped and prepended with wildcards (%) to execute backward match.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def endswith(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and prepended with wildcards (%) to execute backward match.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"%{escape_like(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)
def eq(**kwargs: Any) ‑> Conditional

Creates a condition applying = operator to columns.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def eq(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
    Creates a condition applying `=` operator to columns.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    def is_null(col, val):
        if val is None:
            return f"{col} IS NULL", []
        elif val is True:
            return f"{col}", []
        elif val is False:
            return f"NOT {col}", []
        return None
    return _conditional("=", _and_, kwargs, is_null, _alias_)
def ge(**kwargs: Any) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies >=.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def ge(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `>=`.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional(">=", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)
def gt(**kwargs: Any) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies >.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def gt(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `>`.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional(">", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)
def in_(**kwargs:[typing.Any]) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies IN.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def in_(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Sequence[Any]) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `IN`.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    def in_list(col, val):
        if len(val) == 0:
            return "1 = 0", []
            holder = ', '.join(['$_'] * len(val))
            return f"{col} IN ({holder})", val
    return _conditional("IN", _and_, kwargs, in_list, _alias_)
def le(**kwargs: Any) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies <=.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def le(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `<=`.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional("<=", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)
def like(**kwargs: str) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies LIKE. Given parameters will be escaped and enclosed with wildcards (%) to execute partial match.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def like(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and enclosed with wildcards (%) to execute partial match.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"%{escape_like(v)}%" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)
def lt(**kwargs: Any) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies <.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def lt(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `<`.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional("<", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)
def match(**kwargs: str) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies LIKE. Given parameters will be passed to query without being escaped or enclosed.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def match(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be passed to query without being escaped or enclosed.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, kwargs, None, _alias_)
def neq(**kwargs: Any) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies !=.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def neq(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `!=`.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    def is_null(col, val):
        if val is None:
            return f"{col} IS NOT NULL", []
        elif val is True:
            return f"NOT {col}", []
        elif val is False:
            return f"{col}", []
        return None
    return _conditional("!=", _and_, kwargs, is_null, _alias_)
def not_in(**kwargs:[typing.Any]) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies NOT IN.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def not_in(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: Sequence[Any]) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `NOT IN`.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    def in_list(col, val):
        if len(val) == 0:
            return "", []
            holder = ', '.join(['$_'] * len(val))
            return f"{col} NOT IN ({holder})", val
    return _conditional("NOT IN", _and_, kwargs, in_list, _alias_)
def of(expression: str = '', *params: Any) ‑> Conditional

Creates a condition directly from an expression and parameters.


Condition expression.
Parameters used in the condition.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def of(cls, expression: str = "", *params: Any) -> 'Conditional':
    Creates a condition directly from an expression and parameters.

        expression: Condition expression.
        params: Parameters used in the condition.
        Condition object.
    return Conditional(expression, list(params))
def startswith(**kwargs: str) ‑> Conditional

Works like eq, but applies LIKE. Given parameters will be escaped and appended with wildcards (%) to execute prefix match.


Table alias.
Specifies concatenating logical operator is AND or OR.
Column names and parameters.


Condition object.

Expand source code
def startswith(cls, _alias_: Optional[str] = None, _and_: bool = True, **kwargs: str) -> 'Conditional':
    Works like `eq`, but applies `LIKE`. Given parameters will be escaped and appended with wildcards (%) to execute prefix match.

        _alias_: Table alias.
        _and_: Specifies concatenating logical operator is `AND` or `OR`.
        kwargs: Column names and parameters.
        Condition object.
    return _conditional("LIKE", _and_, {k: f"{escape_like(v)}%" for k, v in kwargs.items()}, None, _alias_)
class Queryable (*args, **kwargs)

Base class for protocol classes.

Protocol classes are defined as::

class Proto(Protocol):
    def meth(self) -> int:

Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example::

class C:
    def meth(self) -> int:
        return 0

def func(x: Proto) -> int:
    return x.meth()

func(C())  # Passes static type check

See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as::

class GenProto(Protocol[T]):
    def meth(self) -> T:
Expand source code
class Queryable(Protocol, Generic[Unpack[QA]]):
    def eq(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def neq(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def in_(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def not_in(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def match(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def like(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def startswith(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def endswith(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def lt(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def le(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def gt(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...
    def ge(self, *args: Union[Unpack[QA], Unpack[tuple[Unpack[QA], Any]]]) -> 'Conditional': ...


  • typing.Protocol
  • typing.Generic
