Module pyracmon.graph.typing

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from dataclasses import is_dataclass, fields
from inspect import Signature
from typing import Any, TypeVar, Generic, Optional, TypedDict, Annotated, Union, get_args, get_origin, get_type_hints, cast
    from typing import is_typeddict
    from typing_extensions import is_typeddict
    # > python3.10
    from types import UnionType
    UnionType = None

T = TypeVar('T')

def issubgeneric(t: Any, p: type) -> bool:
    Checks whether a type is subclass of a generic type.

        t: A type to check.
        p: A generic type.
        Whether the type in subclass of the generic type.
    if type(t) is type:
        return issubclass(t, p)
        origin = get_origin(t)
        return isinstance(origin, type) and issubclass(origin, p)

def issubtype(t: type, p: type) -> bool:
    Checks whether a type is subclass of another type.

        t: A type to check.
        p: Another type.
        Whether the type in subclass of another type.
    if is_typeddict(p):
        return is_typeddict(t) and set(t.__annotations__.items()) >= set(p.__annotations__.items())
        return issubclass(t, p)

def is_optional(t: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
    Checks if the given annotation corresponds to an optional type and returns the inner type.

        t: Annotation value.
        Optional type if the annotation is optional, otherwise `None` .
    org = get_origin(t)

    if org == Optional:
        return get_args(t)[0]
    elif org == Union or org == UnionType:
        args = get_args(t)
        return args[0] if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == type(None) else None
        return None

def replace_optional_typevar(t: Any, actual: Any) -> Any:
    Replaces the first type variable in annotation value with actual type.

    This function is designed to deal with only optional types whose inner structure depends on python version and code style.

        t: Annotation value.
        Annotation value with replaced type variable.
    if t == Signature.empty or isinstance(t, TypeVar):
        return actual

    org = get_origin(t)
    args = get_args(t)

    def replace(gen: Any, targs: list[Any]) -> Any:
        var_found = False
        rargs: list[Any] = []

        for a in targs:
            if not var_found and isinstance(a, TypeVar):
                var_found = True
                rargs.append(replace_optional_typevar(a, actual))

        if get_origin(rargs[0]) == Annotated:
            # Move Annotated to the outermost.
            # Optional[Annotated[int, "ann"]] -> Annotated[Optional[int], "ann"]
            # Union[Annotated[int, "ann"], None] -> Annotated[Union[int, None], "ann"]
            ann_args = get_args(rargs[0])
            res = Annotated[replace(gen, [ann_args[0]] + rargs[1:]), ann_args[1]]
            for a in ann_args[2:]:
                res = Annotated[res, a]
        elif len(rargs) == 1:
            res = gen[rargs[0]]
            res = gen[rargs[0], rargs[1]]
            for a in rargs[2:]:
                res = gen[res, a]

        return res

    if org == Optional:
        return Optional[replace_optional_typevar(args[0], actual)]
    elif org == Union or org == UnionType:
        return replace(Union, list(args))
    elif org == Annotated:
        return replace(Annotated, list(args))
        return t

def to_typeddict(t: Any, strict: bool) -> type[TypedDict]:
    Convert an annotation `t` into `TypedDict` type.

        t: Any kind of annotation.
        strict: If `True` , `TypeError` will be raised when `t` is neither a `TypeDict` nor a dataclass.
        `TypedDict` type which represents `t` .
    if is_typeddict(t):
        return t
    elif is_dataclass(t):
        return TypedDict(t.__name__, { for f in fields(t)}) # type: ignore
        if strict:
            raise TypeError(f"Type parameter must be resolved to TypedDict but {t}.")
            return TypedDict

def to_rawdict(v: Any, strict: bool) -> dict:
    Convert a value into builtin `dict` .

        v: Any value.
        strict: If `True` , `TypeError` will be raised when `v` is an instance of neither a `dict` nor a dataclass.
        Converted `dict` .
    if isinstance(v, dict):
        return v
    elif is_dataclass(v):
        return {, for f in fields(v)}
        if strict:
            raise TypeError(f"The value must be a dict or dataclass instance but {type(v)}.")
            return {}

def generate_schema(annotations: dict[str, Any], base: Optional[type[TypedDict]] = None) -> type[TypedDict]:
    Generate schema as `TypedDict` by extending base schema.

        annotations: Annotations to be set to new schema.
        base: Base schema if necessary.
        Generated schema.
    class Schema(base or TypedDict):

    # In python3.6, "__annotations__" does not exist in "__dict__"
    # In python3.8, it exists even the class does not have any field.
    if "__annotations__" not in Schema.__dict__:
        setattr(Schema, "__annotations__", annotations)

    return Schema

class Typeable(Generic[T]):
    An interface for generic type which is resolved into a concrete type by a type parameter.

    Inherit this class and declare static method whose signature is `resolve(me, bound, arg, spec) -> type`.

    >>> class A(Typeable[T]):
    >>>     @staticmethod
    >>>     def resolve(me, bound, arg, spec):
    >>>         ...
    >>>         return some_type
    >>> Typeable.resolve(A[T], int, spec)

    Type resolution starts from `Typeable.resolve` which invokes the static method with following arguments.

    - Type to resolve itself, in this case, `A[T]`.
    - A resolved type which replace `T`.
        - `arg` is the first candidate.
        - When `arg` is also `Typeable` , this resolution flow is applied to it recursively until concrete type if determined.
    - `arg` is passed through as it is.
    - `spec` is passed through as it is.
    def resolve(typeable, arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        Resolve a `Typeable` type into a concrete type by a type for its type parameter.

            typeable: `Typeable` type having a generic type parameter.
            arg: Type to replace a type parameter.
            spec: An object containing information for schema generation.
            Resolved type.
        if get_origin(typeable) is Typeable:
            raise ValueError(f"Typeable should not be used directly. Use inheriting class instead.")

        bound = get_args(typeable)[0]

        if isinstance(bound, TypeVar):
            return Typeable.resolve(typeable[arg], arg, spec)
        elif issubgeneric(bound, Typeable):
            bound = Typeable.resolve(bound, arg, spec)
            return typeable.resolve(typeable, bound, arg, spec)
            return typeable.resolve(typeable, bound, arg, spec)

    def is_resolved(typeable: type['Typeable']) -> bool:
        Checks a type parameter of given `Typeable` is alredy resolved.

            typeable: `Typeable` type having a generic type parameter.
            Whether the type parameter is already resolved or not.
        bound = get_args(typeable)[0]
        if isinstance(bound, TypeVar):
            return False
        elif issubgeneric(bound, Typeable):
            return Typeable.is_resolved(bound)
            return True

class DynamicType(Typeable[T]):
    A `Typeable` type which can be resolved dynamically with resolved type parameter.
    def resolve(dynamic: type['DynamicType'], bound: type, arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        return dynamic.fix(bound, arg)

    def fix(cls, bound: type, arg: type) -> type:
        Resolve a resolved type into another type.

        Override this method to apply specific logic of the inheriting type to resolved type.
        ex) Convert resolved model type into `TypedDict` for serialization.

            bound: Resolved type of `T`.
            arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
            Another type.
        return bound

class Shrink(Typeable[T]):
    A type to remove keys from `TypedDict` bound to the type parameter `T`.

    This class only works when `TypedDict` parameter is set, otherwise `TypeError` is raised.
    def resolve(shrink: type['Shrink'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        Resolve a `TypedDict` into another `TypedDict` by removing some keys defined by `select` .
        if bound == Signature.empty:
            return TypedDict

        bound = to_typeddict(bound, True)

        exc, inc =, arg)
        annotations = {n:t for n, t in get_type_hints(bound, include_extras=True).items() if (not inc or n in inc) and (n not in exc)}

        return generate_schema(annotations)

    def select(cls, bound: type[TypedDict], arg: type) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
        Select excluding and including keys from `TypedDict`.

        Subclass should consider the case when the `bound` is `Signautre.empty`.

        This method should return excluding and including keys.
        Excluding key is always excluded if it is contained in including keys.
        Empty including keys specify that all keys are used.

            bound: `TypedDict` to be shrinked.
            arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
            Keys to exclude and include.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class Extend(Typeable[T]):
    A type to add keys to `TypedDict` bound to the type parameter `T`.

    This class only works when `TypedDict` parameter is set, otherwise `TypeError` is raised.
    def resolve(extend: type['Extend'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        Resolve a `TypedDict` into another `TypedDict` by adding some keys retrieved by `schema` .
        if bound == Signature.empty:
            return TypedDict

        bound = to_typeddict(bound, True)

        ext = extend.schema(bound, arg)
        td = to_typeddict(ext, False)

        return generate_schema(td.__annotations__, bound)

    def schema(cls, bound: type[TypedDict], arg: type) -> Any:
        Creates a `TypedDict` representing a schema of adding keys and their types.

        Subclass should consider the case when the `bound` is `Signautre.empty`.

            bound: `TypedDict` to be extended.
            arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
            `TypedDict` extending schema of base `TypedDict` .
        raise NotImplementedError()

def document_type(t: type, doc: str) -> Annotated:
    Supplies a document to a type.

        t: A type.
        doc: A document.
        Documented type.
    return Annotated[t, doc]

def decompose_document(t: type) -> tuple[type, str]:
    if get_origin(t) == Annotated:
        args = get_args(t)
        # Annotated must have at least 2 arguments.
        # Last annotated string is used as document.
        t, d = args[0], args[-1]
        return t, d if isinstance(d, str) else d.__doc__
        return t, ""

def walk_schema(td, with_doc=False) -> dict[str, Union[type, Annotated]]:
    Returns a dictionary as a result of walking a schema object from its root.

        td: A schema represented by `TypedDict`.
        with_doc: Flag to include documentations into result.
        Key value representation of the schema. If `with_doc` is `True`, each value is `Annotated`.
    if '__annotations__' not in td.__dict__:
        return {}

    result = {}

    def put(k, t, doc):
        if with_doc:
            result[k] = (t, doc)
            result[k] = t

    def expand(t):
        return (get_args(t)[0], lambda x:[x]) if issubgeneric(t, list) else (t, lambda x:x)

    for k, t in get_type_hints(td, include_extras=True).items():
        t, doc = decompose_document(t)

        t, conv = expand(t)

        opt_type = is_optional(t)

        if is_typeddict(t):
            put(k, conv(walk_schema(t, with_doc)), doc)
        elif opt_type is not None and is_typeddict(opt_type):
            put(k, conv(walk_schema(opt_type, with_doc)), doc)
            put(k, conv(t), doc)
    return result


def decompose_document(t: type) ‑> tuple[type, str]
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def decompose_document(t: type) -> tuple[type, str]:
    if get_origin(t) == Annotated:
        args = get_args(t)
        # Annotated must have at least 2 arguments.
        # Last annotated string is used as document.
        t, d = args[0], args[-1]
        return t, d if isinstance(d, str) else d.__doc__
        return t, ""
def document_type(t: type, doc: str) ‑> 

Supplies a document to a type.


A type.
A document.


Documented type.

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def document_type(t: type, doc: str) -> Annotated:
    Supplies a document to a type.

        t: A type.
        doc: A document.
        Documented type.
    return Annotated[t, doc]
def generate_schema(annotations: dict[str, typing.Any], base: Optional[type[typing.TypedDict]] = None) ‑> type[typing.TypedDict]

Generate schema as TypedDict by extending base schema.


Annotations to be set to new schema.
Base schema if necessary.


Generated schema.

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def generate_schema(annotations: dict[str, Any], base: Optional[type[TypedDict]] = None) -> type[TypedDict]:
    Generate schema as `TypedDict` by extending base schema.

        annotations: Annotations to be set to new schema.
        base: Base schema if necessary.
        Generated schema.
    class Schema(base or TypedDict):

    # In python3.6, "__annotations__" does not exist in "__dict__"
    # In python3.8, it exists even the class does not have any field.
    if "__annotations__" not in Schema.__dict__:
        setattr(Schema, "__annotations__", annotations)

    return Schema
def is_optional(t: Any) ‑> Optional[Any]

Checks if the given annotation corresponds to an optional type and returns the inner type.


Annotation value.


Optional type if the annotation is optional, otherwise None .

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def is_optional(t: Any) -> Optional[Any]:
    Checks if the given annotation corresponds to an optional type and returns the inner type.

        t: Annotation value.
        Optional type if the annotation is optional, otherwise `None` .
    org = get_origin(t)

    if org == Optional:
        return get_args(t)[0]
    elif org == Union or org == UnionType:
        args = get_args(t)
        return args[0] if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == type(None) else None
        return None
def issubgeneric(t: Any, p: type) ‑> bool

Checks whether a type is subclass of a generic type.


A type to check.
A generic type.


Whether the type in subclass of the generic type.

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def issubgeneric(t: Any, p: type) -> bool:
    Checks whether a type is subclass of a generic type.

        t: A type to check.
        p: A generic type.
        Whether the type in subclass of the generic type.
    if type(t) is type:
        return issubclass(t, p)
        origin = get_origin(t)
        return isinstance(origin, type) and issubclass(origin, p)
def issubtype(t: type, p: type) ‑> bool

Checks whether a type is subclass of another type.


A type to check.
Another type.


Whether the type in subclass of another type.

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def issubtype(t: type, p: type) -> bool:
    Checks whether a type is subclass of another type.

        t: A type to check.
        p: Another type.
        Whether the type in subclass of another type.
    if is_typeddict(p):
        return is_typeddict(t) and set(t.__annotations__.items()) >= set(p.__annotations__.items())
        return issubclass(t, p)
def replace_optional_typevar(t: Any, actual: Any) ‑> Any

Replaces the first type variable in annotation value with actual type.

This function is designed to deal with only optional types whose inner structure depends on python version and code style.


Annotation value.


Annotation value with replaced type variable.

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def replace_optional_typevar(t: Any, actual: Any) -> Any:
    Replaces the first type variable in annotation value with actual type.

    This function is designed to deal with only optional types whose inner structure depends on python version and code style.

        t: Annotation value.
        Annotation value with replaced type variable.
    if t == Signature.empty or isinstance(t, TypeVar):
        return actual

    org = get_origin(t)
    args = get_args(t)

    def replace(gen: Any, targs: list[Any]) -> Any:
        var_found = False
        rargs: list[Any] = []

        for a in targs:
            if not var_found and isinstance(a, TypeVar):
                var_found = True
                rargs.append(replace_optional_typevar(a, actual))

        if get_origin(rargs[0]) == Annotated:
            # Move Annotated to the outermost.
            # Optional[Annotated[int, "ann"]] -> Annotated[Optional[int], "ann"]
            # Union[Annotated[int, "ann"], None] -> Annotated[Union[int, None], "ann"]
            ann_args = get_args(rargs[0])
            res = Annotated[replace(gen, [ann_args[0]] + rargs[1:]), ann_args[1]]
            for a in ann_args[2:]:
                res = Annotated[res, a]
        elif len(rargs) == 1:
            res = gen[rargs[0]]
            res = gen[rargs[0], rargs[1]]
            for a in rargs[2:]:
                res = gen[res, a]

        return res

    if org == Optional:
        return Optional[replace_optional_typevar(args[0], actual)]
    elif org == Union or org == UnionType:
        return replace(Union, list(args))
    elif org == Annotated:
        return replace(Annotated, list(args))
        return t
def to_rawdict(v: Any, strict: bool) ‑> dict

Convert a value into builtin dict .


Any value.
If True , TypeError will be raised when v is an instance of neither a dict nor a dataclass.


Converted dict .

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def to_rawdict(v: Any, strict: bool) -> dict:
    Convert a value into builtin `dict` .

        v: Any value.
        strict: If `True` , `TypeError` will be raised when `v` is an instance of neither a `dict` nor a dataclass.
        Converted `dict` .
    if isinstance(v, dict):
        return v
    elif is_dataclass(v):
        return {, for f in fields(v)}
        if strict:
            raise TypeError(f"The value must be a dict or dataclass instance but {type(v)}.")
            return {}
def to_typeddict(t: Any, strict: bool) ‑> type[typing.TypedDict]

Convert an annotation t into TypedDict type.


Any kind of annotation.
If True , TypeError will be raised when t is neither a TypeDict nor a dataclass.


TypedDict type which represents t .

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def to_typeddict(t: Any, strict: bool) -> type[TypedDict]:
    Convert an annotation `t` into `TypedDict` type.

        t: Any kind of annotation.
        strict: If `True` , `TypeError` will be raised when `t` is neither a `TypeDict` nor a dataclass.
        `TypedDict` type which represents `t` .
    if is_typeddict(t):
        return t
    elif is_dataclass(t):
        return TypedDict(t.__name__, { for f in fields(t)}) # type: ignore
        if strict:
            raise TypeError(f"Type parameter must be resolved to TypedDict but {t}.")
            return TypedDict
def walk_schema(td, with_doc=False) ‑> dict[str, typing.Union[type, typing.Annotated]]

Returns a dictionary as a result of walking a schema object from its root.


A schema represented by TypedDict.
Flag to include documentations into result.


Key value representation of the schema. If with_doc is True, each value is Annotated.

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def walk_schema(td, with_doc=False) -> dict[str, Union[type, Annotated]]:
    Returns a dictionary as a result of walking a schema object from its root.

        td: A schema represented by `TypedDict`.
        with_doc: Flag to include documentations into result.
        Key value representation of the schema. If `with_doc` is `True`, each value is `Annotated`.
    if '__annotations__' not in td.__dict__:
        return {}

    result = {}

    def put(k, t, doc):
        if with_doc:
            result[k] = (t, doc)
            result[k] = t

    def expand(t):
        return (get_args(t)[0], lambda x:[x]) if issubgeneric(t, list) else (t, lambda x:x)

    for k, t in get_type_hints(td, include_extras=True).items():
        t, doc = decompose_document(t)

        t, conv = expand(t)

        opt_type = is_optional(t)

        if is_typeddict(t):
            put(k, conv(walk_schema(t, with_doc)), doc)
        elif opt_type is not None and is_typeddict(opt_type):
            put(k, conv(walk_schema(opt_type, with_doc)), doc)
            put(k, conv(t), doc)
    return result


class DynamicType

A Typeable type which can be resolved dynamically with resolved type parameter.

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class DynamicType(Typeable[T]):
    A `Typeable` type which can be resolved dynamically with resolved type parameter.
    def resolve(dynamic: type['DynamicType'], bound: type, arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        return dynamic.fix(bound, arg)

    def fix(cls, bound: type, arg: type) -> type:
        Resolve a resolved type into another type.

        Override this method to apply specific logic of the inheriting type to resolved type.
        ex) Convert resolved model type into `TypedDict` for serialization.

            bound: Resolved type of `T`.
            arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
            Another type.
        return bound



Static methods

def fix(bound: type, arg: type) ‑> type

Resolve a resolved type into another type.

Override this method to apply specific logic of the inheriting type to resolved type. ex) Convert resolved model type into TypedDict for serialization.


Resolved type of T.
A type used for the resolution of bound.


Another type.

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def fix(cls, bound: type, arg: type) -> type:
    Resolve a resolved type into another type.

    Override this method to apply specific logic of the inheriting type to resolved type.
    ex) Convert resolved model type into `TypedDict` for serialization.

        bound: Resolved type of `T`.
        arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
        Another type.
    return bound

Inherited members

class Extend

A type to add keys to TypedDict bound to the type parameter T.

This class only works when TypedDict parameter is set, otherwise TypeError is raised.

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class Extend(Typeable[T]):
    A type to add keys to `TypedDict` bound to the type parameter `T`.

    This class only works when `TypedDict` parameter is set, otherwise `TypeError` is raised.
    def resolve(extend: type['Extend'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        Resolve a `TypedDict` into another `TypedDict` by adding some keys retrieved by `schema` .
        if bound == Signature.empty:
            return TypedDict

        bound = to_typeddict(bound, True)

        ext = extend.schema(bound, arg)
        td = to_typeddict(ext, False)

        return generate_schema(td.__annotations__, bound)

    def schema(cls, bound: type[TypedDict], arg: type) -> Any:
        Creates a `TypedDict` representing a schema of adding keys and their types.

        Subclass should consider the case when the `bound` is `Signautre.empty`.

            bound: `TypedDict` to be extended.
            arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
            `TypedDict` extending schema of base `TypedDict` .
        raise NotImplementedError()


Static methods

def resolve(extend: type['Extend'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], inspect.Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) ‑> type

Resolve a TypedDict into another TypedDict by adding some keys retrieved by schema .

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def resolve(extend: type['Extend'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
    Resolve a `TypedDict` into another `TypedDict` by adding some keys retrieved by `schema` .
    if bound == Signature.empty:
        return TypedDict

    bound = to_typeddict(bound, True)

    ext = extend.schema(bound, arg)
    td = to_typeddict(ext, False)

    return generate_schema(td.__annotations__, bound)
def schema(bound: type[typing.TypedDict], arg: type) ‑> Any

Creates a TypedDict representing a schema of adding keys and their types.

Subclass should consider the case when the bound is Signautre.empty.


TypedDict to be extended.
A type used for the resolution of bound.


TypedDict extending schema of base TypedDict .

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def schema(cls, bound: type[TypedDict], arg: type) -> Any:
    Creates a `TypedDict` representing a schema of adding keys and their types.

    Subclass should consider the case when the `bound` is `Signautre.empty`.

        bound: `TypedDict` to be extended.
        arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
        `TypedDict` extending schema of base `TypedDict` .
    raise NotImplementedError()

Inherited members

class Shrink

A type to remove keys from TypedDict bound to the type parameter T.

This class only works when TypedDict parameter is set, otherwise TypeError is raised.

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class Shrink(Typeable[T]):
    A type to remove keys from `TypedDict` bound to the type parameter `T`.

    This class only works when `TypedDict` parameter is set, otherwise `TypeError` is raised.
    def resolve(shrink: type['Shrink'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        Resolve a `TypedDict` into another `TypedDict` by removing some keys defined by `select` .
        if bound == Signature.empty:
            return TypedDict

        bound = to_typeddict(bound, True)

        exc, inc =, arg)
        annotations = {n:t for n, t in get_type_hints(bound, include_extras=True).items() if (not inc or n in inc) and (n not in exc)}

        return generate_schema(annotations)

    def select(cls, bound: type[TypedDict], arg: type) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
        Select excluding and including keys from `TypedDict`.

        Subclass should consider the case when the `bound` is `Signautre.empty`.

        This method should return excluding and including keys.
        Excluding key is always excluded if it is contained in including keys.
        Empty including keys specify that all keys are used.

            bound: `TypedDict` to be shrinked.
            arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
            Keys to exclude and include.
        raise NotImplementedError()



Static methods

def resolve(shrink: type['Shrink'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], inspect.Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) ‑> type

Resolve a TypedDict into another TypedDict by removing some keys defined by select .

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def resolve(shrink: type['Shrink'], bound: Union[type[TypedDict], Signature], arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
    Resolve a `TypedDict` into another `TypedDict` by removing some keys defined by `select` .
    if bound == Signature.empty:
        return TypedDict

    bound = to_typeddict(bound, True)

    exc, inc =, arg)
    annotations = {n:t for n, t in get_type_hints(bound, include_extras=True).items() if (not inc or n in inc) and (n not in exc)}

    return generate_schema(annotations)
def select(bound: type[typing.TypedDict], arg: type) ‑> tuple[list[str], list[str]]

Select excluding and including keys from TypedDict.

Subclass should consider the case when the bound is Signautre.empty.

This method should return excluding and including keys. Excluding key is always excluded if it is contained in including keys. Empty including keys specify that all keys are used.


TypedDict to be shrinked.
A type used for the resolution of bound.


Keys to exclude and include.

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def select(cls, bound: type[TypedDict], arg: type) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
    Select excluding and including keys from `TypedDict`.

    Subclass should consider the case when the `bound` is `Signautre.empty`.

    This method should return excluding and including keys.
    Excluding key is always excluded if it is contained in including keys.
    Empty including keys specify that all keys are used.

        bound: `TypedDict` to be shrinked.
        arg: A type used for the resolution of `bound`.
        Keys to exclude and include.
    raise NotImplementedError()

Inherited members

class Typeable

An interface for generic type which is resolved into a concrete type by a type parameter.

Inherit this class and declare static method whose signature is resolve(me, bound, arg, spec) -> type.

>>> class A(Typeable[T]):
>>>     @staticmethod
>>>     def resolve(me, bound, arg, spec):
>>>         ...
>>>         return some_type
>>> Typeable.resolve(A[T], int, spec)

Type resolution starts from Typeable.resolve() which invokes the static method with following arguments.

  • Type to resolve itself, in this case, A[T].
  • A resolved type which replace T.
    • arg is the first candidate.
    • When arg is also Typeable , this resolution flow is applied to it recursively until concrete type if determined.
  • arg is passed through as it is.
  • spec is passed through as it is.
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class Typeable(Generic[T]):
    An interface for generic type which is resolved into a concrete type by a type parameter.

    Inherit this class and declare static method whose signature is `resolve(me, bound, arg, spec) -> type`.

    >>> class A(Typeable[T]):
    >>>     @staticmethod
    >>>     def resolve(me, bound, arg, spec):
    >>>         ...
    >>>         return some_type
    >>> Typeable.resolve(A[T], int, spec)

    Type resolution starts from `Typeable.resolve` which invokes the static method with following arguments.

    - Type to resolve itself, in this case, `A[T]`.
    - A resolved type which replace `T`.
        - `arg` is the first candidate.
        - When `arg` is also `Typeable` , this resolution flow is applied to it recursively until concrete type if determined.
    - `arg` is passed through as it is.
    - `spec` is passed through as it is.
    def resolve(typeable, arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
        Resolve a `Typeable` type into a concrete type by a type for its type parameter.

            typeable: `Typeable` type having a generic type parameter.
            arg: Type to replace a type parameter.
            spec: An object containing information for schema generation.
            Resolved type.
        if get_origin(typeable) is Typeable:
            raise ValueError(f"Typeable should not be used directly. Use inheriting class instead.")

        bound = get_args(typeable)[0]

        if isinstance(bound, TypeVar):
            return Typeable.resolve(typeable[arg], arg, spec)
        elif issubgeneric(bound, Typeable):
            bound = Typeable.resolve(bound, arg, spec)
            return typeable.resolve(typeable, bound, arg, spec)
            return typeable.resolve(typeable, bound, arg, spec)

    def is_resolved(typeable: type['Typeable']) -> bool:
        Checks a type parameter of given `Typeable` is alredy resolved.

            typeable: `Typeable` type having a generic type parameter.
            Whether the type parameter is already resolved or not.
        bound = get_args(typeable)[0]
        if isinstance(bound, TypeVar):
            return False
        elif issubgeneric(bound, Typeable):
            return Typeable.is_resolved(bound)
            return True


  • typing.Generic


Static methods

def is_resolved(typeable: type['Typeable']) ‑> bool

Checks a type parameter of given Typeable is alredy resolved.


Typeable type having a generic type parameter.


Whether the type parameter is already resolved or not.

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def is_resolved(typeable: type['Typeable']) -> bool:
    Checks a type parameter of given `Typeable` is alredy resolved.

        typeable: `Typeable` type having a generic type parameter.
        Whether the type parameter is already resolved or not.
    bound = get_args(typeable)[0]
    if isinstance(bound, TypeVar):
        return False
    elif issubgeneric(bound, Typeable):
        return Typeable.is_resolved(bound)
        return True
def resolve(typeable, arg: type, spec: Any) ‑> type

Resolve a Typeable type into a concrete type by a type for its type parameter.


Typeable type having a generic type parameter.
Type to replace a type parameter.
An object containing information for schema generation.


Resolved type.

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def resolve(typeable, arg: type, spec: Any) -> type:
    Resolve a `Typeable` type into a concrete type by a type for its type parameter.

        typeable: `Typeable` type having a generic type parameter.
        arg: Type to replace a type parameter.
        spec: An object containing information for schema generation.
        Resolved type.
    if get_origin(typeable) is Typeable:
        raise ValueError(f"Typeable should not be used directly. Use inheriting class instead.")

    bound = get_args(typeable)[0]

    if isinstance(bound, TypeVar):
        return Typeable.resolve(typeable[arg], arg, spec)
    elif issubgeneric(bound, Typeable):
        bound = Typeable.resolve(bound, arg, spec)
        return typeable.resolve(typeable, bound, arg, spec)
        return typeable.resolve(typeable, bound, arg, spec)