Module pyracmon.dialect.postgresql

A dialect module for PostgreSQL.

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A dialect module for PostgreSQL.
import re
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta
from uuid import UUID
from itertools import groupby
from typing import Optional
from pyracmon.connection import Connection
from pyracmon.model import Table, Column, ForeignKey, Relations
from pyracmon.dialect.shared import MultiInsertMixin, TruncateMixin
from pyracmon.query import Q, where
from pyracmon.clause import holders

SequencePattern = re.compile(r"nextval\(\'([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\'(\:\:regclass)?\)")

def read_schema(db: Connection, excludes: Optional[list[str]] = None, includes: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> list[Table]:
    Collect tables in current database.

        excludes: Excluding table names.
        includes: Including table names. If not specified, all tables are collected.
        Table schemas.
    q = Q(excludes = excludes, includes = includes)

    cond = Q.of("c.table_catalog = current_catalog") & Q.eq("c", table_schema="public") & Q.in_("t", table_type=["BASE TABLE", "VIEW"]) \
        & q.excludes.not_in("c.table_name") & q.includes.in_("c.table_name")

    w, params = where(cond)

    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            c.table_name, c.column_name, c.data_type, c.udt_name, c.is_nullable,
            e.data_type, e.udt_name, k.constraint_type, c.column_default, c.ordinal_position
            information_schema.columns AS c
            INNER JOIN information_schema.tables AS t ON c.table_name = t.table_name
            LEFT JOIN (
                    tc.table_name, k.column_name, string_agg(tc.constraint_type, ',') AS constraint_type
                    information_schema.key_column_usage AS k
                    INNER JOIN information_schema.table_constraints AS tc ON k.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
                    tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' OR tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
                GROUP BY
                    tc.table_name, k.column_name
            ) AS k ON t.table_name = k.table_name AND c.column_name = k.column_name
            LEFT JOIN information_schema.element_types AS e
                ON ((c.table_catalog, c.table_schema, c.table_name, 'TABLE', c.dtd_identifier) =
                    (e.object_catalog, e.object_schema, e.object_name, e.object_type, e.collection_type_identifier))
        ORDER BY c.table_name ASC, c.ordinal_position ASC
        """, *params)

    def map_types(t, udt):
        base = db.context.config.type_mapping
        ptype = base and base(t, udt_name=udt)
        return ptype or _map_types(t)

    def column_of(n, t, udt, nullable, et, eudt, constraint, default, pos):
        m = SequencePattern.match(default or "")
        cs = (constraint or "").split(',')
        seq = if m else None
        null = nullable == 'YES'
        ptype = map_types(t, udt) if t != 'ARRAY' else list[map_types(et, eudt)]
        info = (t, udt) if t != 'ARRAY' else (et, eudt)
        return Column(n, ptype, info, 'PRIMARY KEY' in cs, Relations() if 'FOREIGN KEY' in cs else None, seq, null)

    tables = []
    column_positions = {}

    for t, cols in groupby(cursor.fetchall(), lambda row: row[0]):
        cols = list(cols)
        columns = [column_of(*c[1:]) for c in cols]
        tables.append(Table(t, columns))
        column_positions[t] = {c[1]:c[-1] for c in cols}


    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            k.table_name AS t1, k.column_name AS c1, k2.table_name AS t2, k2.column_name AS c2
            information_schema.referential_constraints AS r
            INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS k ON r.constraint_name = k.constraint_name
            INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS k2
                ON r.unique_constraint_name = k2.constraint_name AND k.ordinal_position = k2.ordinal_position
        ORDER BY
            k.table_name ASC

    table_map = { for t in tables}

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        table_from = table_map.get(row[0], None)
        col_from = table_from.find(row[1]) if table_from else None

        if col_from:
            table_to = table_map.get(row[2], None)
            col_to = table_to.find(row[3]) if table_to else None
   or row[2], col_to or row[3]))


    # Materialized views
    cond = Q.eq("c", relkind = "m") &"a", attnum = 1) \
        & q.excludes.not_in("c.relname") & q.includes.in_("c.relname")

    w, params = where(cond)

    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            c.relname, a.attname, a.attnotnull, t.typname, et.typname, a.attnum
            pg_class AS c
            INNER JOIN pg_attribute AS a ON c.oid = a.attrelid
            INNER JOIN pg_type AS t ON a.atttypid = t.oid
            LEFT JOIN pg_type AS et ON t.typelem = et.oid
        ORDER BY
            c.oid ASC, a.attnum ASC
        """, *params)

    def mv_column_of(n, not_null, udt, eudt, pos):
        ptype = map_types(_map_alternates(udt), udt) if eudt is None else list[map_types(_map_alternates(eudt), eudt)]
        info = (_map_alternates(udt), udt) if eudt is None else (_map_alternates(eudt), eudt)
        return Column(n, ptype, info, False, None, None, not not_null)

    for t, cols in groupby(cursor.fetchall(), lambda row: row[0]):
        cols = list(cols)
        columns = [mv_column_of(*c[1:]) for c in cols]
        tables.append(Table(t, columns))
        column_positions[t] = {c[1]:c[-1] for c in cols}


    if len(tables) == 0:
        return tables

    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            relname, oid
            relname IN ({holders(len(tables))})
        """, *[ for t in tables])

    table_oids = {}
    for n, oid in cursor.fetchall():
        table_oids[n] = oid

    for t in tables:
        cc = db.stmt().execute(f"SELECT col_description($_, 0)", *[table_oids[]])
        t.comment = cc.fetchone()[0] or "" # type: ignore

        for i, col in enumerate(t.columns):
            cc = db.stmt().execute(f"SELECT col_description($_, $_)", *[table_oids[], column_positions[][]])
            col.comment = cc.fetchone()[0] or "" # type: ignore



    return tables

def _map_types(t):
    if t == "boolean":
        return bool
    elif t == "real" or t == "double precision":
        return float
    elif t == "smallint" or t == "integer" or t == "bigint":
        return int
    elif t == "numeric" or t == "decimal":
        return Decimal
    elif t == "character varying" or t == "text" or t == "character":
        return str
    elif t == "bytea":
        return bytes
    elif t == "date":
        return date
    elif t.startswith("timestamp "):
        return datetime
    elif t == "time" or t.startswith("time "):
        return time
    elif t == "interval":
        return timedelta
    elif t == "uuid":
        return UUID
    elif t == "json" or t == "jsonb":
        return dict
        return object

def _map_alternates(n):
    if n == "int2":
        return "smallint"
    elif n == "int" or n == "int4":
        return "integer"
    elif n == "int8":
        return "bigint"
    elif n == "float4":
        return "real"
    elif n == "float8":
        return "double precision"
    elif n == "decimal":
        return "numeric"
    elif n == "bool":
        return "boolean"
    elif n == "char":
        return "character"
    elif n == "varchar":
        return "character varying"
    elif n == "timetz":
        return "time with time zone"
    elif n == "timestamptz":
        return "timestamp with time zone"
        return n

class PostgreSQLMixin(MultiInsertMixin, TruncateMixin):
    Model mixin whose methods are available in PostgreSQL.
    def last_sequences(cls, db: Connection, num: int) -> list[tuple[Column, int]]:
        cols = [c for c in cls.columns if c.incremental]

        if len(cols) > 0:
            sequences = []
            d = db.cursor()
            for c in cols:
                d.execute(f"SELECT currval('{c.incremental}')")
                sequences.append((c, d.fetchone()[0])) # type: ignore
            return sequences
            return []

    def support_returning(cls, db: Connection) -> bool:
        return True

    def truncate(cls, db: Connection):
        db.cursor().execute(f"TRUNCATE {} RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE")

mixins = [PostgreSQLMixin]


def read_schema(db: Connection, excludes: Optional[list[str]] = None, includes: Optional[list[str]] = None) ‑> list[Table]

Collect tables in current database.


Excluding table names.
Including table names. If not specified, all tables are collected.


Table schemas.

Expand source code
def read_schema(db: Connection, excludes: Optional[list[str]] = None, includes: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> list[Table]:
    Collect tables in current database.

        excludes: Excluding table names.
        includes: Including table names. If not specified, all tables are collected.
        Table schemas.
    q = Q(excludes = excludes, includes = includes)

    cond = Q.of("c.table_catalog = current_catalog") & Q.eq("c", table_schema="public") & Q.in_("t", table_type=["BASE TABLE", "VIEW"]) \
        & q.excludes.not_in("c.table_name") & q.includes.in_("c.table_name")

    w, params = where(cond)

    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            c.table_name, c.column_name, c.data_type, c.udt_name, c.is_nullable,
            e.data_type, e.udt_name, k.constraint_type, c.column_default, c.ordinal_position
            information_schema.columns AS c
            INNER JOIN information_schema.tables AS t ON c.table_name = t.table_name
            LEFT JOIN (
                    tc.table_name, k.column_name, string_agg(tc.constraint_type, ',') AS constraint_type
                    information_schema.key_column_usage AS k
                    INNER JOIN information_schema.table_constraints AS tc ON k.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name
                    tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' OR tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
                GROUP BY
                    tc.table_name, k.column_name
            ) AS k ON t.table_name = k.table_name AND c.column_name = k.column_name
            LEFT JOIN information_schema.element_types AS e
                ON ((c.table_catalog, c.table_schema, c.table_name, 'TABLE', c.dtd_identifier) =
                    (e.object_catalog, e.object_schema, e.object_name, e.object_type, e.collection_type_identifier))
        ORDER BY c.table_name ASC, c.ordinal_position ASC
        """, *params)

    def map_types(t, udt):
        base = db.context.config.type_mapping
        ptype = base and base(t, udt_name=udt)
        return ptype or _map_types(t)

    def column_of(n, t, udt, nullable, et, eudt, constraint, default, pos):
        m = SequencePattern.match(default or "")
        cs = (constraint or "").split(',')
        seq = if m else None
        null = nullable == 'YES'
        ptype = map_types(t, udt) if t != 'ARRAY' else list[map_types(et, eudt)]
        info = (t, udt) if t != 'ARRAY' else (et, eudt)
        return Column(n, ptype, info, 'PRIMARY KEY' in cs, Relations() if 'FOREIGN KEY' in cs else None, seq, null)

    tables = []
    column_positions = {}

    for t, cols in groupby(cursor.fetchall(), lambda row: row[0]):
        cols = list(cols)
        columns = [column_of(*c[1:]) for c in cols]
        tables.append(Table(t, columns))
        column_positions[t] = {c[1]:c[-1] for c in cols}


    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            k.table_name AS t1, k.column_name AS c1, k2.table_name AS t2, k2.column_name AS c2
            information_schema.referential_constraints AS r
            INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS k ON r.constraint_name = k.constraint_name
            INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS k2
                ON r.unique_constraint_name = k2.constraint_name AND k.ordinal_position = k2.ordinal_position
        ORDER BY
            k.table_name ASC

    table_map = { for t in tables}

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        table_from = table_map.get(row[0], None)
        col_from = table_from.find(row[1]) if table_from else None

        if col_from:
            table_to = table_map.get(row[2], None)
            col_to = table_to.find(row[3]) if table_to else None
   or row[2], col_to or row[3]))


    # Materialized views
    cond = Q.eq("c", relkind = "m") &"a", attnum = 1) \
        & q.excludes.not_in("c.relname") & q.includes.in_("c.relname")

    w, params = where(cond)

    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            c.relname, a.attname, a.attnotnull, t.typname, et.typname, a.attnum
            pg_class AS c
            INNER JOIN pg_attribute AS a ON c.oid = a.attrelid
            INNER JOIN pg_type AS t ON a.atttypid = t.oid
            LEFT JOIN pg_type AS et ON t.typelem = et.oid
        ORDER BY
            c.oid ASC, a.attnum ASC
        """, *params)

    def mv_column_of(n, not_null, udt, eudt, pos):
        ptype = map_types(_map_alternates(udt), udt) if eudt is None else list[map_types(_map_alternates(eudt), eudt)]
        info = (_map_alternates(udt), udt) if eudt is None else (_map_alternates(eudt), eudt)
        return Column(n, ptype, info, False, None, None, not not_null)

    for t, cols in groupby(cursor.fetchall(), lambda row: row[0]):
        cols = list(cols)
        columns = [mv_column_of(*c[1:]) for c in cols]
        tables.append(Table(t, columns))
        column_positions[t] = {c[1]:c[-1] for c in cols}


    if len(tables) == 0:
        return tables

    cursor = db.stmt().execute(f"""\
            relname, oid
            relname IN ({holders(len(tables))})
        """, *[ for t in tables])

    table_oids = {}
    for n, oid in cursor.fetchall():
        table_oids[n] = oid

    for t in tables:
        cc = db.stmt().execute(f"SELECT col_description($_, 0)", *[table_oids[]])
        t.comment = cc.fetchone()[0] or "" # type: ignore

        for i, col in enumerate(t.columns):
            cc = db.stmt().execute(f"SELECT col_description($_, $_)", *[table_oids[], column_positions[][]])
            col.comment = cc.fetchone()[0] or "" # type: ignore



    return tables


class PostgreSQLMixin

Model mixin whose methods are available in PostgreSQL.

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class PostgreSQLMixin(MultiInsertMixin, TruncateMixin):
    Model mixin whose methods are available in PostgreSQL.
    def last_sequences(cls, db: Connection, num: int) -> list[tuple[Column, int]]:
        cols = [c for c in cls.columns if c.incremental]

        if len(cols) > 0:
            sequences = []
            d = db.cursor()
            for c in cols:
                d.execute(f"SELECT currval('{c.incremental}')")
                sequences.append((c, d.fetchone()[0])) # type: ignore
            return sequences
            return []

    def support_returning(cls, db: Connection) -> bool:
        return True

    def truncate(cls, db: Connection):
        db.cursor().execute(f"TRUNCATE {} RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE")


Static methods

def last_sequences(db: Connection, num: int) ‑> list[tuple[Column, int]]
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def last_sequences(cls, db: Connection, num: int) -> list[tuple[Column, int]]:
    cols = [c for c in cls.columns if c.incremental]

    if len(cols) > 0:
        sequences = []
        d = db.cursor()
        for c in cols:
            d.execute(f"SELECT currval('{c.incremental}')")
            sequences.append((c, d.fetchone()[0])) # type: ignore
        return sequences
        return []
def support_returning(db: Connection) ‑> bool
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def support_returning(cls, db: Connection) -> bool:
    return True
def truncate(db: Connection)
Expand source code
def truncate(cls, db: Connection):
    db.cursor().execute(f"TRUNCATE {} RESTART IDENTITY CASCADE")

Inherited members