Module pyracmon.context

This module provides the context type which controls query execution as configured.

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This module provides the context type which controls query execution as configured.
from import Sequence
import logging
from typing import Any, Union, Optional, Literal, overload
    from typing import TypeAlias
    from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
from .config import default_config
from . import dbapi

PARAMS: TypeAlias = Union[list[Any], dict[str, Any]]
"""Type alias of parameters of query.

Which type in `list` or `dict` is used depends on the type of the marker.

class ConnectionContext:
    This class represents a context of query execution.

    By default, the context based on global configuration is used.
    You should declare your own context class and set it to `Connection.use` if you want to change the behavior.

    Custom context is also useful to change cursor state before and after query execution.  Overwrite `execute` method to do it.
    def __init__(self, identifier: Optional[str] = None, **configurations):
        #: Identifier of this context. `None` by default.
        self.identifier = identifier
        #: Configuration used in this context.
        self.config = default_config().derive(**configurations)

    def _message(self, message):
        return f"({self.identifier}) {message}" if self.identifier else message

    def configure(self, **configurations: Any) -> 'ConnectionContext':
        Change configurations of this context.

        Changes by this method never affect global configuration even if the context is based on it.

            configurations: Configurations. See `pyracmon.config` to know available keys.
            This instance.
        return self

    def execute(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, params: PARAMS) -> dbapi.Cursor:
        Executes a query on a cursor.

            cursor: Cursor object.
            sql: Query string.
            params: Query parameters.
            Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.
        return self._execute(cursor, sql, params, False)

    def executemany(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, seq_of_params: Sequence[PARAMS]) -> dbapi.Cursor:
        Repeats query on a cursor for sequencee of parameters.

        This method works similar to `execute` but invoke `executemany` instead.

            cursor: Cursor object.
            sql: Query string.
            seq_of_args: A sequence of parameters of the query.
            Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.
        return self._execute(cursor, sql, seq_of_params, True)

    def _execute(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, params: PARAMS, is_many: Literal[False] = False) -> dbapi.Cursor: ...
    def _execute(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, params: Sequence[PARAMS], is_many: Literal[True] = True) -> dbapi.Cursor: ...
    def _execute(
        cursor: dbapi.Cursor,
        sql: str,
        is_many: bool = False,
    ) -> dbapi.Cursor:
        logger = _logger(self.config)

        if logger:
            sql_log = sql if len(sql) <= self.config.sql_log_length else f"{sql[0:self.config.sql_log_length]}..."

            logger.log(self.config.log_level, self._message(sql_log))

            if self.config.parameter_log:
                if is_many:
                    for ps in params:
                        logger.log(self.config.log_level, self._message(f"Parameters: {ps}"))
                    logger.log(self.config.log_level, self._message(f"Parameters: {params}"))

        if is_many:
            cursor.executemany(sql, params)
            cursor.execute(sql, params)

        return cursor

def _logger(config):
    if isinstance(config.logger, logging.Logger):
        return config.logger
    elif isinstance(config.logger, str):
        return logging.getLogger(config.logger)
        return None

Global variables

var PARAMS : TypeAlias

Type alias of parameters of query.

Which type in list or dict is used depends on the type of the marker.


class ConnectionContext (identifier: Optional[str] = None, **configurations)

This class represents a context of query execution.

By default, the context based on global configuration is used. You should declare your own context class and set it to Connection.use if you want to change the behavior.

Custom context is also useful to change cursor state before and after query execution. Overwrite execute method to do it.

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class ConnectionContext:
    This class represents a context of query execution.

    By default, the context based on global configuration is used.
    You should declare your own context class and set it to `Connection.use` if you want to change the behavior.

    Custom context is also useful to change cursor state before and after query execution.  Overwrite `execute` method to do it.
    def __init__(self, identifier: Optional[str] = None, **configurations):
        #: Identifier of this context. `None` by default.
        self.identifier = identifier
        #: Configuration used in this context.
        self.config = default_config().derive(**configurations)

    def _message(self, message):
        return f"({self.identifier}) {message}" if self.identifier else message

    def configure(self, **configurations: Any) -> 'ConnectionContext':
        Change configurations of this context.

        Changes by this method never affect global configuration even if the context is based on it.

            configurations: Configurations. See `pyracmon.config` to know available keys.
            This instance.
        return self

    def execute(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, params: PARAMS) -> dbapi.Cursor:
        Executes a query on a cursor.

            cursor: Cursor object.
            sql: Query string.
            params: Query parameters.
            Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.
        return self._execute(cursor, sql, params, False)

    def executemany(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, seq_of_params: Sequence[PARAMS]) -> dbapi.Cursor:
        Repeats query on a cursor for sequencee of parameters.

        This method works similar to `execute` but invoke `executemany` instead.

            cursor: Cursor object.
            sql: Query string.
            seq_of_args: A sequence of parameters of the query.
            Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.
        return self._execute(cursor, sql, seq_of_params, True)

    def _execute(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, params: PARAMS, is_many: Literal[False] = False) -> dbapi.Cursor: ...
    def _execute(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, params: Sequence[PARAMS], is_many: Literal[True] = True) -> dbapi.Cursor: ...
    def _execute(
        cursor: dbapi.Cursor,
        sql: str,
        is_many: bool = False,
    ) -> dbapi.Cursor:
        logger = _logger(self.config)

        if logger:
            sql_log = sql if len(sql) <= self.config.sql_log_length else f"{sql[0:self.config.sql_log_length]}..."

            logger.log(self.config.log_level, self._message(sql_log))

            if self.config.parameter_log:
                if is_many:
                    for ps in params:
                        logger.log(self.config.log_level, self._message(f"Parameters: {ps}"))
                    logger.log(self.config.log_level, self._message(f"Parameters: {params}"))

        if is_many:
            cursor.executemany(sql, params)
            cursor.execute(sql, params)

        return cursor

Instance variables

var config

Configuration used in this context.

var identifier

Identifier of this context. None by default.


def configure(self, **configurations: Any) ‑> ConnectionContext

Change configurations of this context.

Changes by this method never affect global configuration even if the context is based on it.


Configurations. See pyracmon.config to know available keys.


This instance.

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def configure(self, **configurations: Any) -> 'ConnectionContext':
    Change configurations of this context.

    Changes by this method never affect global configuration even if the context is based on it.

        configurations: Configurations. See `pyracmon.config` to know available keys.
        This instance.
    return self
def execute(self, cursor: Cursor, sql: str, params: Union[list[Any], dict[str, Any]]) ‑> Cursor

Executes a query on a cursor.


Cursor object.
Query string.
Query parameters.


Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.

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def execute(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, params: PARAMS) -> dbapi.Cursor:
    Executes a query on a cursor.

        cursor: Cursor object.
        sql: Query string.
        params: Query parameters.
        Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.
    return self._execute(cursor, sql, params, False)
def executemany(self, cursor: Cursor, sql: str, seq_of_params:[typing.Union[list[typing.Any], dict[str, typing.Any]]]) ‑> Cursor

Repeats query on a cursor for sequencee of parameters.

This method works similar to execute but invoke executemany instead.


Cursor object.
Query string.
A sequence of parameters of the query.


Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.

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def executemany(self, cursor: dbapi.Cursor, sql: str, seq_of_params: Sequence[PARAMS]) -> dbapi.Cursor:
    Repeats query on a cursor for sequencee of parameters.

    This method works similar to `execute` but invoke `executemany` instead.

        cursor: Cursor object.
        sql: Query string.
        seq_of_args: A sequence of parameters of the query.
        Given cursor object. Internal state may be changed by the execution of the query.
    return self._execute(cursor, sql, seq_of_params, True)